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Data Structures and Algorithms Course | Best DSA Course

Live Online Course

  4.7/5 Ratings     4.7/5Ratings

30 Sessions

  Live Classes

115 Videos

Video Course

35 Notes

Quick Notes

62 Labs

Hands-on Labs

Data Structures and Algorithms Course Overview

The Data Structures and Algorithms Course is intended for individuals with an interest in software engineering who wish to advance their careers by landing an interview with one of the most prestigious firms in the world. So that you are ready for these important interviews, this program will teach you everything from problem-solving techniques to coding. Get hands-on practice by solving 100+ data structures and algorithms problems. You will begin the course by learning to solve problems related to each data structure and algorithm. Prepare for the top product-based companies like MetaMicrosoft, Amazon, Adobe, Netflix and Google.

DSA Course objectives

Participants in this training will learn data structures and algorithms and at the completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  1. Identify techniques to design algorithms and measure their efficiency.
  2. Sort data by using bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, shell sort, quick sort, and merge sort.
  3. Search data by using linear search and binary search techniques.
  4. Store and search data using hashing.
  5. Solve problems using arrays, lists, linked lists, queues, and stacks.
  6. Solve problems using non-leaner data structures like trees, and graphs.

Outcomes of the Training

  1. Knowledge of implementing backtracking and dynamic programming
  2. Understanding of hash function applications
  3. Potential Career Boost in the Technical World
  4. Gain a competitive edge over other candidates
  5. Personalized Career Coaching and Goal Setting
  6. Guaranteed salary hike of 40-60%

Why Learn Data Structures and Algorithms in 2024?

DSA is a fundamental skill for careers in software development, data science, Machine learning, and many more. These stats back the statement.

  1. Strong Foundation for Programming: DSA is the bedrock of computer science. Understanding how data is organized (data structures) and manipulated (algorithms) empowers you to solve problems efficiently.
  2. Problem-Solving Prowess: Learning DSA equips you with a systematic approach to problem-solving.
  3. Benefits Across Programming Domains: Whether you're developing web applications, mobile apps, machine learning models, or data analysis tools, a strong understanding of DSA is beneficial.
  4. Interview Preparation: Many tech companies, including top-tier tech giants, continue to prioritize data structures and algorithms in their technical interviews.
  5. Career Advancement: Proficiency in DSA is highly valued in the tech industry and can lead to career advancement opportunities in software engineering, data science, system architecture, technical leadership, and more.
  6. Adaptability in a Changing Landscape: The programming landscape constantly evolves, but the core principles of DSA remain relevant allowing you to adapt and learn new programming languages more easily.

Why Learn Data Structures and Algorithms?

Data Structures and Algorithms Career Scope

DSA skilled is employed by the world's leading product based companies. Discover the salary and skills to become SDE.

  1. Software Engineering: As a software engineer, proficiency in DSA is crucial for designing efficient algorithms, implementing scalable data structures, and optimizing code for performance and memory usage.
  2. Data Science and Analytics: Data scientists and analysts use algorithms and data structures to perform tasks such as data cleaning, feature extraction, statistical analysis, machine learning, and predictive modeling.
  3. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: DSA skills are fundamental for building machine learning models and artificial intelligence systems.
  4. System Design and Architecture: System architects and engineers use algorithms and data structures to optimize system performance, manage resources efficiently, and ensure fault tolerance and high availability.
  5. Competitive Programming: Proficiency in DSA is essential for competitive programmers to solve problems efficiently and achieve optimal solutions within the given constraints.

Data Structures and Algorithms Career Scope

DSA Tools and Technologies Covered

Logic Building
Logic Building
Code Debugging
Code Debugging
Complexity Analysis
Complexity Analysis
Linked List
Linked List

Data Structures and Algorithms Course Key Features

  • 5 Weeks of Intensive Live Training
  • Learn from SDEs in Product Based Companies
  • Learn to implement DSA
  • Career Coaching
  • Resume & Portfolio Building
  • Job Assistance

Data Structures and Algorithms Course Eligibility


Prerequisites for enrolling in the Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) course include a solid understanding of core Java and a background in computer science.

Who can Join the DSA Course?

Students in college, recent graduates, and working professionals who are preparing for SDE interviews with prestigious organizations like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe, and other top product-based corporations should learn data structures and algorithms courses.

Live Classes Schedule

Our learn-by-building-project method enables you to build practical/coding experience that sticks. 95% of our learners say they have confidence and remember more when they learn by building real world projects.
Apr 20 th
SAT, SUN Sold Out 08:30PM to 10:00PM (IST)
May 06 th
MON, WED, FRI Filling Fast 08:30PM to 10:00PM (IST)

Can't find convenient schedule? Let us know

Included in this Data Structures and Algorithms Training

  •   Live Sessions30 Classes
  •   Video Course 115 Videos
  •   Quick Notes 35 Notes
  •   Labs 62 labs
DSA Foundation

Data Structures

  • Introduction to Data Structure
  • Types of Data Structure
  • Abstract Data Type

Complexity Analysis

  • Complexity Analysis
  • Time complexity
  • Space complexity
  • Big O Notation
  • Iteration
  • Recursion
  • Exercises and Summary

Arrays and Strings

  • Arrays
  • Arrays Types
  • Strings
  • Iterations
  • Exercises and Summary

Sorting Algorithms

  • Bubble Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Heap Sort
  • Count Sort
  • Bucket Sort
  • Exercises and Summary

Searching Algorithms

  • Introduction
  • Linear Search and its Implementation
  • Binary Search and its Implementation
  • Ternary Search and its Implementation
  • Jump Search and its Implementation
  • Exponential Search and its Implementation
  • Exercises and Summary

String Algorithms

  • Introduction
  • Count Vowels
  • Reverse a String
  • Reverse Words
  • Rotations
  • Remove Duplicates
  • Most Repeated Char
  • Sentence Capitalization
  • Exercises and Summary


  • Linked List
  • Singly Linked List
  • Doubly Linked List
  • Circular Linked List
  • Exercises and Summary


  • Introduction
  • What are stacks
  • Working with Stacks
  • Building Stack using an Array
  • Exercises and Summary


  • What are queues
  • Working with Queues
  • Building Queues using an Array
  • Implementing Queues using a Stack
  • Priority Queues with different approaches
  • Exercises and Summary


  • What are Hash Tables
  • Working with Hash Tables
  • Hash Functions
  • Collision and Chaining
  • Building a Hash Table
  • Exercises and Summary
DSA Advanced

Binary Trees

  • What are Trees
  • Populating a Binary Tree
  • Building a Binary Tree
  • Traversing Trees
  • Working with Recursion
  • Depth First Traversals
  • Depth and Height of Nodes
  • Minimum values in a Tree
  • Level Order Traversal
  • Exercises and Summary

AVL Trees

  • Introduction
  • Balanced and Unbalanced Trees
  • Implementing Rotations
  • Building AVL Trees
  • Exercises and Summary


  • What are Heaps
  • Working with Heaps
  • Building and Implementation Heaps
  • Heap Sort and its Implementation
  • Implementing Priority Queues
  • Working with Heapify
  • Exercises and Summary


  • What are the Tries?
  • Populating a Trie?
  • Implementation Tries with Hash Table
  • Abstraction and Traversal
  • Exercises and Summary


  • What are Graphs
  • Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency List
  • Building Graphs
  • Adding Nodes and Edges
  • Removing Nodes and Edges
  • Traversal Algorithms
  • Depth-First Traversal
  • Breadth-First Traversal
  • Topological Sorting
  • Cycle Detection using Directed Graphs
  • Exercise and Summary

Undirected Graphs

  • Introduction
  • Weighted Graphs
  • Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm
  • Shortest Path Algorithm
  • Cycle Detection using Undirected Graphs
  • Minimum Spanning Tree
  • Prim’s Algorithm
  • Exercises and Summary

Greedy Algorithms

  • Greedy Algorithms
  • The strategies of Greedy Algorithms
  • Applications of Greedy Algorithms
  • Exercises and Summary

Divide and Conquer

  • Divide and Conquer Techniques
  • Master theorem Applications
  • Sliding Window problems
  • Merge Intervals problems
  • Exercises and Summary


  • Backtracking
  • Brute Force Approach
  • N Queens Problem
  • KMP
  • Exercises and Summary

Dynamic Programming

  • Dynamic Programming
  • Approaches of Dynamic Programming
  • Top-down approach
  • Bottom-up approach
  • Pattern matching algorithm
  • Exercises and Summary
Quick Notes Notes (35)

Data Structures & Algorithms


Big O in Data Structure


Array in Data Structures


String in Data Structure


Linked List in Data Structure


Singly Linked List in Data Structure


Doubly Linked List in Data Structure


Circular Linked List in Data Structure


Stack in Data Structure


Queue in Data Structure


Hashing in Data Structure


HashMap in Data Structure


Hash Table in Data Structure


HashSet in Data Structure


Trees in Data Structure


Binary Tree in Data Structure


Binary Search Tree in Data Structure


AVL Tree in Data Structure


B Tree in Data Structure


K-Dimensional Tree in Data Structures


Spanning Tree in Data Structures


Segment Tree in Data Structures


Suffix Array and Suffix Tree in Data Structures


Linear Search in Data Structure


Binary Search in Data Structure


Bubble Sort in Data Structure


Selection Sort in Data Structure


Insertion Sort in Data Structure


Merge Sort in Data Structure


Quick Sort in Data Structure


Counting Sort in Data Structure


Bucket Sort in Data Structure


Heap Sort in Data Structure


Shell Sort in Data Structure


Radix Sort in Data Structure


Hands-On Labs Labs(62)

Java: Count the frequency of an element in an Array


Java: Find all triplets with zero sum


Java: Leaders in an array


Java: Meeting Rooms


Java: Merge Two Sorted Arrays


Java: Minimum Number of Jumps to Reach End in Array


Java: Move all Zeros to the beginning of an array


Java: Remove Duplicates from an Array


Java: Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees


Java: Rotate an Array to the left


Java: Find the length of the largest subarray with 0 Sum


Java: Longest Increasing Consecutive Subsequence


Java: Find Whether an Array is a Subset of Another Array


Java: Camel Case of a given Sentence


Java: Count ways to increase LCS length of two Strings by one


Java: Minimum rotations required to get the same string


Java: Multiply Large Numbers represented as Strings


Java: Find Itinerary from a given list of tickets


Java: Construct a linked list from 2D matrix


Java: Convert given Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List in Linear Time


Java: Count Nodes in Circular Linked List


Java: Delete all Prime Nodes from a Doubly Linked List


Java: Deletion from a Circular Linked List


Java: Remove Duplicates from a sorted Linked List


Java: Reverse a Doubly Linked List


Java: Traversal of Circular Linked List


Java: Reverse a Stack using Recursion


Java: Find next right node of a given key


Java: Traversing directory in Java using BFS


Java: Delete consecutive same words in a sequence


Java: Sort a Stack using another stack


Java: Minimum time required to rot all oranges


Java: Next Greater Element


Java: Trapping rain water


Java: Largest rectangle in histogram


Java: Check whether a Binary Tree is BST or Not


Java: Deletion in a Binary Tree


Java: Check if two nodes are cousins in a Binary Tree


Java: Check whether the two Binary Search Trees are Identical or Not


Java: Find the Closest Element in Binary Search Tree


Java: Convert Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List


Java: Height of a Generic Tree from Parent Array


Java: Insertion in a Binary Tree in Level Order


Java: Find right Sibling of a binary tree with parent pointers


Java: Find Distance between two nodes of a Binary Tree


Java: Binary Tree to Binary Search Tree Conversion


Java: Ceiling in a Sorted Array


Java: Count 1’s in a Sorted Binary Array


Java: Find a Fixed Point (Value equal to Index) in given Array


Java: Search an Element in a Sorted and Rotated Array


Java: Two Elements whose Sum is Closest to Zero


Java: Search in an Almost Sorted Array


Java: Median of Two Sorted Arrays of Different Sizes


Java: A Pair with a Given Sum in the Rotated Sorted Array


Java: Sort Elements by Frequency


Java: Sort a Linked List of 0s, 1s and 2s


Java: Find Missing Elements of a Range


Java: Sort a Nearly Sorted (or K sorted) Array


Java: Chocolate Distribution Problem


Java: Minimum Swaps required to convert binary tree to binary search tree


Java: Count Distinct Occurrences as a Subsequence


Java: Sort a Matrix in all way Increasing Order


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DSA Career & Certification

What will you learn in our data and algorithms course?

Who should go take this DSA course?

What kind of projects are included as part of the DSA course ?

Why learn python for data structures and algorithms course online?

Who is eligible to register for this data structures and algorithms course?

Our Students Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the scope of DSA in the future?

The scope of DSA is extensive and diverse. From building the foundation of computer science, algorithm analysis, and computational complexity to emerging technologies such as blockchain, quantum computing, and machine learning, the scope continuously widens day by day.

Q2. What jobs can you get after completing Data and Algorithms Course?

The following are some of the job roles you can pursue after completing a DSA course: 1. Software Engineer/Developer 2. Data Scientist 3. Machine Learning Engineer 4. Data Engineer 5. Technical Lead/Architect

Q3. Can a fresher take a data structures and algorithms course?

Yes, a fresher or anyone new to the world of programming can take this DSA Course.

Q4. Is this a live DSA course or pre-recorded videos?

There will be 30 live sessions and 77 recorded videos in this DSA Course.

Q5. How will I execute practicals in this DSA course?

There will be 100 hands-on labs for executing practicals.

Q6. Do you offer samples of data structures and algorithms course interview questions?

Yes, you will thorough guide to the DSA Interview Questions.

Q7. Do you offer a certificate of completion?

Yes. our DSA certificate is valid and can be used for interviews. Additionally, the student can register for the Certification exam after completing this course.

Q8. What justifies learning about data structures and algorithms?

Data structures and algorithms help developers to become more problem-solving capable. One can write the same code that is written previously in several lines in only a few using data structures and algorithms. They reduce the amount of time and memory needed for a task that the application needs to complete. Scalability and less coding are two more benefits.

Q9. What are the different kinds of data structures used in programming?

Data structures come in two different varieties: linear data structures and non-linear data structures. Both are discussed in this DSA course.

Q1. Can I Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment?

Yes, you can Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment in angular certification course. It gives you the opportunity to assess whether the training program aligns with your learning objectives. So, don't hesitate! Take advantage of this opportunity and attend a demo session before making your decision.

Q2. Can I request for a support session if I need to better understand the topics?

Yes, of course you can request for a support session if you need to better understand the topics. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

Q3. Do you offer certificate of completion?

Yes. The certificate is valid and can be used for interviews. Additionally, the student can register for the .Net Certification exam after completion of this course.

Q4. Who are your mentors?

All our mentors are highly qualified and experience professionals. All have at least 8-10 yrs of development experience in various technologies and are trained by Dot Net Tricks to deliver interactive training to the participants.

Q5. What If I miss my online training class?

All online training classes are recorded. You will get the recorded sessions so that you can watch the online classes when you want. Also, you can join other class to do your missing classes.

Q6. Can I share my course with someone else?

In short, no. Check our licensing that you agree to by using Dot Net Tricks LMS. We track this stuff, any abuse of copyright is taken seriously. Thanks for your understanding on this one.

Q7. Do you provide any course material or live session videos?

Yes we do. You will get access to the entire content including class videos, mockups, and assignments through LMS.

Q8. Do you provide training on latest technology version?

Yes we do. As the technology upgrades we do update our content and provide your training on latest version of that technology.

Q9. Do you prepare me for the job interview?

Yes, we do. We will discuss all possible technical interview questions and answers during the training program so that you can prepare yourself for interview.

Q10. Will I get placement assistance after receiving my course completion certificate?

Yes, you’ll get placement assistance after receiving your course completion certificate. The placement assistance provided by the US will guide you through the job search process, help you polish your resume, and connect you with potential employers. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

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