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Self-Paced ASP.NET Core Course

Self Paced Course

164 Videos

Video Course

25 Notes

Quick Notes

16 Labs

Hands-on Labs


Learn to implement

10 Tests

Skill Tests

30 Videos

 Interview Q&A

ASP.NET Core Course Overview

ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework geared towards constructing web applications and services. It adopts a modular and cross-platform approach, facilitating the development of web applications that excel in performance and scalability. ASP.NET Core training encompasses a range of subjects, including the creation of web applications utilizing ASP.NET Core, leveraging EF Core for efficient data access, the implementation of robust security and authentication measures, and the deployment of web applications to cloud environments.

Course objectives

Participants will have the following skills after completing this ASP.Net core training online course:

  1. Understand .NET Core architecture
  2. Build cross-platform ASP.NET apps.
  3. Understand ASP.NET Core middleware
  4. Configure ASP.NET Core MVC
  5. Use Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core
  6. Work with Entity Framework Core
  7. Handle Errors in ASP.NET Core
  8. Writting Unit Test cases for ASP.NET Core application.
  9. Perform Database operations using ADO.NET.
  10. Publish their Apps to IIS.

Included in this ASP.NET Core Course

  •   Video Course 164 Videos
  •   Quick Notes 25 Notes
  •   Labs 16 labs
  •   Projects Project(s)
  •   Skill Tests 10 Tests
  •   Q&A 30 Videos

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 34s

Introduction to ASP.NET Core 5

Evolution of ASP.NET Core Preview 04m 08s
What is ASP.NET Core? 03m 45s

ASP.NET Core Architecture

ASP.NET Core 5.0 Architecture 02m 36s
ASP.NET Core 2.2 vs. ASP.NET Core 3.x/5.x 04m 02s
ASP.NET Core Performance Benchmarks 01m 09s
ASP.NET Core Application Anatomy 03m 02s

Getting Started With ASP.NET Core 5

Demo: Creating ASP.NET Core5 Project 04m 43s
Demo: Understanding ASP.NET Core Folder Structure 14m 16s
Demo: Comparing ASP.NET Core 2.x, 3.x and 5.x Project 10m 56s
ASP.NET Core Application Bootstrapping 04m 30s
ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core Request Processing 02m 37s

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 19s

.NET Core and .NET CLI

History of .net Platform Preview 03m 13s
.Net Framwork Preview 00m 35s
.NET Core Preview 00m 45s
.Net 5 - One .Net Vision 01m 43s
.Net 5.0 - A Unified Platform 01m 35s
What .Net Does Not Support ? 00m 30s
.Net Compilation 02m 21s
.Net CLI 01m 22s
Demo: Getting Started With .Net CLI 05m 37s


Understanding ASP.NET Core 05m 52s
Understanding ASP.NET Core MVC 10m 10s
Layouts, Sections and ViewStart 04m 15s
ASP .NET MVC vs. ASP .NET Core MVC 03m 15s
Understanding MVC Pattern 11m 51s
Action Result 04m 26s
Model-View-Controller Communication 03m 14s

Histroy of AspnetCore6

History of .Net Platform Preview 05m 45s
.Net Framework 04m 14s
.NET 5.0- A unified platform 05m 18s
.NET Compilation 02m 56s

What is ASPNet Core6

Evolution of ASP Net Core 02m 21s
What is AspNet Core 00m 56s
ASP Net Core 6 04m 39s
Lab-Mvc Folder Structure 12m 08s

Introduction to ASPNet6

Asp Net core mvc 01m 19s
Model 01m 31s
View 02m 51s
Lab 05m 50s
Partial View 00m 24s

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 21s

Razor View Engine

Introduction to View Engine 02m 00s
Razor Preview 05m 23s
Razor Syntax Preview 04m 51s


Routing 01m 50s
Conventions based Routing Configuration & Mapping 13m 09s
Attribute Routing Configuration and Mapping 03m 26s
Route Constraints 05m 40s


Html Helpers 01m 09s
Built-In Html Helpers 12m 05s
Custom Html Helpers 06m 05s

Data Pasing Techniques

ViewData And ViewBag 05m 53s
Temp Data 07m 28s
Data Passing And Query String 04m 47s
Cooking 01m 56s

Course Overview

Course Overview 02m 12s

ASP.NET Core Forms

ASP.NET Core Forms Preview 02m 40s
Creating Weakly Typed Forms Preview 06m 43s
Creating Strongly Typed Forms 09m 58s

Model Binding and Forms Post

Model Binding 04m 30s
Default Model Binding 13m 21s
Custom Model Binding 08m 59s
Custom Model Binder 08m 19s
Handling Form Post 12m 27s

Forms Validation

Data Validation 02m 42s
Need for Server-side and Client-side Validations 00m 57s
Creating Forms Using Tag Helpers 06m 55s
Server Side Validation 11m 21s
Validation Summary 04m 15s
Client Side Validation 04m 54s

Custom Validation

Custom Server Side Validation 05m 23s
Custom Client Side Validation 06m 19s

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 37s

Understanding LINQ

Introduction to LINQ Preview 01m 11s
LINQ Architecture Preview 03m 02s
LINQ Flavours 02m 41s
Advantages of LINQ 01m 38s
Disadvantages of LINQ 02m 34s


LINQ Query Tools 01m 04s
LINQ Pad 01m 55s
Configuring LINQ Pad 03m 24s

LINQ Query

Query and LINQ Query 06m 52s
LINQ Query Syntax 09m 02s
LINQ Query Execution 08m 32s

LINQ Query Operations

LINQ Query Operations 03m 06s
LINQ Operators 02m 25s
LINQ Basic Query Operations 12m 02s

Query Result Types

Var vs. Generics 07m 45s
Collection Interfaces 04m 35s

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 43s


Introduction to ORM and EF Preview 02m 06s
Introduction to EF Core Preview 03m 59s

Creating Entities and Database

EF Core Data Modeling 02m 09s
Creating Entities and Database 14m 48s

Performing CRUD Operations

EF Core Migration 21m 53s
Performing CRUD Operations using ASP.NET Core 20m 26s

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 07s Architecture Preview 02m 34s


.NET Data Providers 01m 45s
Demo : Creating Project 14m 28s


Connection Object of 02m 01s
Connection and Command 07m 16s


Retrieving Connecting Object 18m 07s


Insert Operation 01m 40s
Demo: Insert Operation 15m 36s

Updating Data Connected

Updating Data Connected 18m 05s

Deleting Data Connected

Deleting Data Connected 08m 57s

Configuring CS from app Settings

Configuring CS from app Settings 13m 28s

Implementing Data Access Layer

List 13m 57s
Create And Details 06m 03s
Edit And Delete 08m 36s

Handling Exceptions

Handling Exceptions 09m 48s

Disconnected Approach Introduction

ADO.NET Disconnected Approach Preview 05m 27s

Disconnected Fetching Data

Disconnected Fetching Data 06m 44s
Disconnecting Fetching data 2 16m 23s

Disconnected Inserting Data

Disconnected Inserting Data 10m 13s

Disconnected Fetch Specific Data

Disconnected Fetch Specific Data 08m 15s

Course Introduction

Course Overview 01m 45s


Introduction to Middleware Preview 02m 42s
Built-In Middleware Preview 05m 52s
Custom Middleware 12m 26s

ASP.NET Core Pipeline and Filters

ASP.NET Core Pipeline 06m 44s
ASP.NET Core 04m 58s
Working with ASP.NET Core Filters 09m 16s
Creating Custom Filters 18m 15s

Dependency Injection (DI)

Introduction to Dependency Injection 07m 04s
Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core 02m 14s
Implemneting DI in ASP.NET Core 08m 38s
Built-In Container Service Methods 15m 06s

ASP.NET Core Environments

Environments Setup 01m 57s
Setting Environment Variable 13m 08s
Define Custom Environment 06m 03s

Exceptions Handling and Logging

Handling Exceptions 07m 51s
Logging in ASP.NET Core 05m 57s
Configuring Logging 18m 05s

Unit Testing

Course Overview 01m 19s
What is Unit Testing 03m 10s
Advantages of Unit Testing 04m 54s


Test Driven Development (TDD) 01m 59s
Demo: Test Driven Development 11m 32s
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) 03m 48s
Demo: Behavior Driven Development 08m 00s

.NET Unit Testing Frameworks

Unit Testing Frameworks 02m 23s
MS Test Framework 01m 39s
MS Test Code Sample 01m 30s
NUnit Framework 01m 53s
xUnit Framework 02m 49s
Comparing MS Test, NUnit and xUnit 03m 30s
Test Explorer 02m 30s

Testing ASP.NET Core Application

Setting Up ASP.NET Core Application 04m 48s
Setting Up MS Test Framework 09m 30s
Mocking 04m 42s
Demo: Mocking 04m 55s
Testing Index Method 06m 53s
Debugging Test Method 01m 52s
Testing Create Method 17m 33s
Testing Edit Method 07m 49s
Testing Delete Method 02m 43s

Testing with NUnit and xUnit

Testing with NUnit 06m 35s
Testing with XUnit 07m 08s

Testing with VS Enterprise Edition

Code Coverage 06m 26s
VS Live Unit Testing 08m 42s
Quick Notes Notes (25)

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core 5


.Net CLI




ASP.NET Core: Layouts, Sections and ViewStart


Introduction to ASP.Net 6


Razor View Engine


Routing in ASP.Net Core


Helpers in ASP.Net Core MVC


Data Pasing Techniques in ASP .Net Core


ASP.NET Core Forms


Model Binding and Forms Post


Forms Validation


Understanding LINQ




LINQ Query


LINQ Query Operations


Query Result Types


Working with Data Using Entity Framework Core


ADO.NET with ASP .NET Core In Connected Environment


ADO.NET with ASP .NET Core In Disconnected Environment


ASP.NET Core Middleware


ASP.NET Core Pipeline and Filters


ASP.NET Core - Dependency Injection


ASP.NET Core Environments


Exceptions Handling and Logging in ASP .Net Core


Hands-On Labs Labs(16)

Creating A Webpage with Razor View


Creating a Listing, Paging, Sorting, and Searching in ASP.NET Core


Database Operations Using ADO.NET and ASP.NET Core


Database Operations Using Dapper and ASP.NET Core


Creating View Component and Partial View


Configuring Routing and Navigation


Creating User Registration Form with Validations


CRUD Operations using EF Core Code First Approach


Working with AutoMapper


Creating Custom Helpers


Passing Data Using ViewBag, TempData and Session


Working with Stored Procedures in EF Core


Creating a Custom Middleware


Image Operations: Upload, Update and Delete


OAuth: Google And Facebook Authentication


Creating A Cascading Dropdown List


Course Overview

Course Overview 02m 25s
Pre-requisites 01m 47s
Website Go through 06m 14s
Project Architecture Code View 01m 46s

Project Architecture

Project Architecture 01m 24s
Demo: Creating Project Layers 07m 16s
Database Schema and Entities 06m 28s

Entities and Database

Creating Entities 12m 48s
Creating Database Using Migration 08m 41s
Seeding Database 03m 27s

Repository Design Pattern

Repository Design Pattern 02m 38s
Creating Generic Repository 10m 38s
Creating Specific Repository 12m 23s
Creating Order Repository 02m 37s

ASP.NET Core Identity

ASP.NET Core Identity 02m 38s
Creating Authentication Service 05m 48s
Implementing User Sign Up 10m 35s
Dependency Injection 17m 16s
Testing User Signup Workflow 04m 03s

Authentication and Authorization

Implementing User Login 09m 23s
Creating Base Page & Base Controller 18m 14s
Implementing Sign Out 06m 26s
Authentication and Authorization 08m 18s

Styling Website

Styling Menu 07m 54s
Setting Logo and favicon 04m 31s
Styling Footer 05m 34s

Item CRUD Operations

Listing Item 14m 23s
Create Item 22m 52s
Refresh UI Changes Without Rebuild 05m 14s
Edit and Delete Item 08m 54s

My Store/Outlet

Creating My Store 07m 19s
Items Listing 05m 58s
Mobile Support & View Components 10m 38s

Shopping Cart

Creating Cart Service 09m 32s
Creating Cart UI 19m 20s
Finishing Cart 06m 33s


Cart Checkout - User Login 06m 37s
Cart Checkout - Payment 11m 44s

Payment Gateway

Razorpay Payment Gateway 06m 39s
Creating Payment Service 06m 31s
Integrating Payment Gateway 16m 14s

Order Management

Placing Order 06m 15s
Order Listing: User 11m 48s
Order Listing and Paging: Admin 12m 51s

Finishing UI & Deployment

Dropdown Menu 09m 05s
IIS Hosting 07m 04s
Skill Tests Tests (10)

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core 5

15 Questions

Introduction to ASP.NET Core

15 Questions

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core 6

15 Questions


10 Questions

ASP.NET Core Forms & Validation

15 Questions

LINQ Fundamentals

15 Questions

Working with Data using Entity Framework Core

15 Questions

ADO.NET with ASP.NET Core in Connected Environment

15 Questions

ADO.NET with ASP.NET Core in Disconnected Environment

15 Questions

ASP.NET Core Unit Testing

15 Questions

Course Overview

Course Overview 00m 38s

MVC Pattern

MVC Pattern Preview 11m 15s

Introduction to Asp.NET Core

Introduction to core 11m 09s

Model and Views

Model and Views 04m 37s

Controller and Action

Controller and Action 04m 49s

View Engine and Razor

View Engine and Razor 02m 26s


Routing 13m 36s

Course Overview

Overview Preview 00m 39s


Helpers 16m 06s

Data Passing Techniques

ViewData, ViewBag and TempData 08m 38s
Cookies and Query String 09m 05s

Forms and Model Binding

Forms 08m 16s


Validations 08m 34s

Course Overview

Course Overview 00m 50s

LINQ Introduction

Linq Introduction Preview 08m 25s

LINQ Query Tools

LINQ Query Tools 03m 12s

LINQ Query

LINQ Query 11m 43s

LINQ Operators

LINQ Operators 11m 04s

LINQ Joins

LINQ Joins 08m 46s

Introduction to Asp.Net core Q&A

Introduction to Core Preview 00m 40s

Areas and scaffolding

Areas and scaffolding 04m 14s

caching , Building and Minification

caching , Building and Minification 14m 41s

Inversion of control and Dependency

Inversion of control and Dependency 05m 28s

Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection 14m 45s

Introduction to core

Introduction to core 00m 52s

Middleware and Pipeline

Middleware and Pipeline 25m 27s


Filters 06m 53s

Security: Authentication/Authorization

Security: Authentication/Authorization 10m 39s


Deployment 03m 59s

Best Practices

Best Practices 07m 32s

Our Students Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Self Paced course offered by ScholarHat?

Online Self Paced Courses are designed for self-directed training, allowing participants to begin at their convenience with structured training and review exercises to reinforce learning. You'll learn through videos, PPTs, and Assignments designed to enhance learning outcomes, all at times that are most convenient for you.

Q2. Who are your mentors?

All our mentors are highly qualified and experience professionals. All have at least 8-10 yrs of development experience in various technologies and are trained by Dot Net Tricks to deliver interactive training to the participants.

Q3. How would I get access to the Learning Content?

As soon as you enroll in the course, you will get access to the course content through LMS (The Learning Management System) in the form of a complete set of Videos, PPTs, PDFs, and Assignments. You can start learning right away.

Q4. How do I enroll for the course?

You can enroll in the course by doing payment. Payment can be made using any of the following options.

  1. Visa debit/credit card
  2. Net banking
  3. Through PayPal

Q5. Student discounts?

Yes, Dot Net Tricks provides student discount to learners who cannot afford the fee. Email us from your student account, or attach your student ID.

Q6. Can I share my course with someone else?

In short, no. Check our licensing that you agree to by using Dot Net Tricks LMS. We track this stuff, any abuse of copyright is taken seriously. Thanks for your understanding on this one.

Q7. How do I setup my team?

Please drop us an email with a list of user details like name, email you’d like to enroll and have access, we'll create your team accounts.

Q8. Do you provide technology version upgrade session free?

Yes, we do. As the technology upgrades your content gets updated at no cost.

Q9. Whom do I contact, if I have more queries?

You can give us a CALL at +91 113 303 4100 OR email us at

Q10. Do you offer certificates of completion?

We do. Once you've finished a course, reach out to us.

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