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C# Programming Course

Self Paced Course

108 Videos

Video Course

14 Notes

Quick Notes

62 Labs

Hands-on Labs

8 Tests

Skill Tests

33 Videos

 Interview Q&A

C# Course Overview

The C# course is primarily designed for beginners as well as professionals, coming from other programming languages backgrounds like VB, Java, and Php etc. In this course, you will learn C basic concepts like data types, decision-making statements, loops, arrays, strings, properties, OOPs, exception handling, and struct and enum in C#.

An individual can learn C Sharp programming language and improve their application development skills by enrolling in a C# training course. Modern, object-oriented programming languages like C# are frequently used to create games, web applications, and desktop programs for Windows.

Course objectives

Participants in the course will have the following skills after completing this course:

  1. Understand C# basics in-depth concepts
  2. Use visual studio for running, debugging and testing your C# programs
  3. Use OOPs concepts like abstractions, Inheritance, polymorphism etc. in practical life
  4. Build the logic to develop C# programs
  5. Use classes, objects, properties, methods etc. in practical life
  6. Handle exception in C# code
  7. Describe the differences between classes and structures.
  8. Describe the differences between abstract class and interfaces

Tools and Technologies Covered

.NET Core
Math Problems
Logic Building
Code Debugging
Code Flow
Star Patterns
Visual Studio

C# Course Eligibility


There are no prerequisites to join this course and learn C# programming

Who can Join?

All students/freshers who are keen to develop modern web, desktop, and service-oriented applications on the Microsoft platform should go for this course.


Visual Studio

Included in this C# Programming Course

  •   Video Course 108 Videos
  •   Quick Notes 14 Notes
  •   Labs 62 labs
  •   Skill Tests 8 Tests
  •   Q&A 33 Videos

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 23s

Introduction to C#

Introduction to C# Preview 04m 54s
History of C# Version Preview 02m 38s
C# Code Execution Preview 10m 04s
Installing and Configuring Visual Studio Preview 04m 43s
Creating and running a console application Preview 08m 19s

Variable and Data Type

Variable Preview 02m 17s
Type Casting or Type Conversions Preview 03m 52s
Basic Input / Output Operations Preview 08m 41s
Understanding Data Type Preview 02m 14s
Types of Data Type – Value Type & Reference Type Preview 04m 05s
Safe Type Casting with IS and AS Operator Preview 09m 55s

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 36s

Operators and Conditional Statements

Different Types of Operators Preview 02m 51s
Operators precedence Preview 09m 54s
Introduction to conditional statement Preview 01m 24s
If statements Preview 03m 48s
If-else statement 03m 14s
If-else-if ladder 06m 07s
Switch statement 05m 24s

Loops and Jump Statements

Loop Statements 01m 08s
While Loop 05m 20s
For Loop 05m 19s
Do..While Loop 03m 36s
For each Loop 03m 25s
Jump Statements 00m 24s
Break Statements 04m 08s
Continue Statements 02m 36s
Goto Statements 03m 59s
Return Statements 02m 33s
Throw Statements 02m 41s


Arrays Preview 02m 32s
One Dimensional Array 03m 45s
Multi Dimensional Array 11m 03s
Array Class 05m 44s
Jagged Array 04m 49s


Strings 01m 14s
String Methods 10m 27s
Type of Strings 05m 06s
Verbatim String 01m 43s

Course Overview

Course Overview 02m 00s

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Object-Oriented Programming Preview 03m 50s
Class and Object Preview 05m 16s
Access Modifiers 17m 19s
Constructor 01m 16s
Default & Parameterized Constructors 08m 54s
Private and Static Constructors 11m 22s
Destructor 03m 58s
Destructor vs. Finalize 01m 28s

Inheritance and Methods

Inheritance 02m 11s
Types Of Inheritance 07m 23s
Methods 02m 08s
Method Overloading & Overriding 08m 23s
Method Hiding 02m 28s
Method Parameters 14m 53s


Structure 04m 49s
Structure vs. Class 03m 09s

Abstract Class

Abstract Class Preview 03m 21s
Key Points About Abstract Class 02m 11s


Interface 05m 37s
Key Points About Interface 03m 00s
Interface vs. Abstract Class 04m 59s

Static Class and Extension Method

Static Class 03m 01s
Key Points About Static Class 01m 40s
Extension Method 03m 35s
Key Points About Extension Method 01m 12s

Partial Class and Partial Method

Partial Class, Interface or Struct 04m 33s
Partial Methods 03m 47s

Property and Indexer

Property Preview 09m 47s
Type of Properties 04m 37s
Indexer 05m 03s

Exception Handling

Exception Handling 09m 39s
Custom Exception 04m 33s

Enum and Attributes

Enum 07m 37s
Attributes 04m 01s
Custom Attributes 05m 16s

Miscellaneous Types

Anonymous Type Preview 03m 53s
Key Points About Anonymous Type 01m 43s
Var Type 03m 03s
Object Type 02m 14s
Dynamic Type 03m 59s
Object vs. Var vs. Dynamic 05m 00s
Tuple 03m 59s

Delegates and Events

Delegates 02m 57s
Type of Delegates 01m 03s
When to Use Delegates 03m 29s
Events 02m 17s
When to Use Events 02m 40s

Anonymous Method & Lambda Expression

Anonymous Method 02m 46s
When to Use Anonymous Method 02m 37s
Lambda Expression 02m 20s
Type of Lambda Expression 02m 14s
When to Use Lambda Expression 02m 29s
Expression Tree 02m 48s

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 56s

Asynchronous Programming in .NET

What is Synchronous and Asynchronous? Preview 03m 53s
Asynchronous Programming Patterns In .NET 01m 04s
Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) 01m 57s
Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP) 01m 28s

Task-based Asynchronous Programming

Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) 02m 19s
Demo: Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) 12m 12s
Types of Tasks 02m 42s

Async Return Types

Async Return Types 01m 12s
Demo: Async Return Types 12m 42s

Async and Await in TAP

Async and Await in TAP 03m 07s
Demo: Async and Await 10m 10s

Asynchronous vs. Multithreading

Asynchronous vs. Multithreading 04m 41s
Key Points about Asynchronous Programming 01m 34s
Quick Notes Notes (14)

C# Basics


C# Variable and Data Type


C# Operators


C# Conditional Statements


C# Loops and Jump Statements


C# Arrays


C# Strings


Object-Oriented Programming Concepts in C#


C# Concepts: Abstract Class, Interface, Static Class & Partial Class


C#: Property, Indexer, Exception Handling & Enum


C# Miscellaneous Types


C# Delegates and Events


C#: Anonymous Method & Lambda Expression


C# Asynchronous Programming Async & Await


Hands-On Labs Labs(62)

C#: Calculate Area of Square


C#: Check Character Is Alphabet or Not


C#: Calculate Standard deviation


C#: Swap Number With Second Variable


C#: Calculate the Average of Array Element


C#: Check if a Number Is Even or Odd


C#: Create A Student Class for Listing, Adding and Removing a Student


C#: Create an Exception Class to Display a Custom Error Message Based On The Exception Type


C#: Check Number Is Positive or Negative


C#: Find The Largest Element of an Array


C#: Swap Number Without Third Variable


C#: Sum Of All Numbers


C#: Concatenate Two Arrays


C#: Check Whether an Alphabet Is Vowel or Consonant


C#: Create Classes for Building Different Types Of Vehicles like Bikes, Scooters, Cars In A Factory


C#: Create Classes for Employee


C#: Find the Largest Number among the Four Numbers


C#: Check if an Array contains a Given Values


C#: Check if a String is Numeric


C#: Check whether a Year is Leap Year or Not


C#: Create Classes For Handling Different Bank Accounts (Saving and Current) Submit, Withdrawal


C#: Find the Factorial Of A Number Using Recursion


C#: Convert Binary Numbers To Decimals


C#: Display the Fibonacci Series


C#: Compare Two Strings


C#: Iterate through each Character of the String


C#: Find the Highest Common Factor (HCF) or Greatest Common Factor (GCD)


C#: Display Armstrong Numbers Between Intervals


C#: Display Prime Numbers Between Intervals


C#: Find the Factorial of a Number


C#: Check if a String is a palindrome or not


C#: Capitalize the first character of each Word in a String


C#: Find the Lowest Common Multiple Factor (LCM)


C#: Reverse A Sentence Using Recursion


C#: Check whether a Number is Palindrome Or Not


C#: Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees


C#: To Check Number Is Armstrong Or Not


C#: To Check Number Is Prime Or Not


C#: Count the Vowel and Consonants in A Sentence


C#: To Make A Calculator For Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division Of Two Numbers


C#: To Print a table of a number using Loops


C#: Right Triangle Star Pattern


C#: Left Triangle Star Pattern


C#: Pyramid Star Pattern


C#: Diamond Star Pattern


C#: Right Triangle Number Pattern


C#: Right Triangle Repeat Number Pattern


C#: Pyramid Number Pattern (Asc)


C#: Pyramid Number Pattern (Desc)


C#: Pyramid Repeat Number Pattern


C#:Inverted Right Triangle Number Pattern (Asc)


C#: Inverted Right Triangle Number Pattern (Desc)


C#: Right Triangle Number Pattern (Asc)


C#: Right Triangle Number Pattern (Desc)


C#: Diamond Number Pattern


C#: Right Triangle Alphabetic Pattern


C#: Right Triangle Repeat Alphabet Pattern


C#: Pyramid Alphabet Pattern (Asc)


C#: Pyramid Alphabet Pattern (Desc)


C#: Pyramid Repeat Alphabet Pattern


C#: Inverted Right Triangle Alphabet Pattern


C#: Diamond Alphabet Pattern


Skill Tests Tests (8)

C# Skill Challenge

15 Questions

Introduction to C#

15 Questions

C# Arrays & Strings

15 Questions

OOPs in C#

15 Questions

C# Concepts: Abstract Class, Interface & Partial Class

15 Questions

C#: Property, Indexer, Attributes & Exception Handling

15 Questions

C# Concepts: Anonymous Type, Delegates, Events & Lambda

15 Questions

C# Asynchronous Programming: Async & Await

15 Questions

Introduction to C#

Introduction to C# Preview 05m 49s
Variables and Data Types 14m 26s
Boxing and Unboxing 03m 29s
Type Conversions 08m 30s

Conditional Statements and Operators

Conditional Statement 11m 43s

Loop and Jump Statements

Loops 17m 45s
Jump Statement 15m 33s
Exception Handling 16m 11s

Arrays and Strings

Arrays 12m 46s
Strings 10m 57s

Properties and Enums

Properties 18m 44s
Enums 03m 00s
Attributes 05m 25s

OOPs Concepts

Introduction to OOPs Preview 21m 50s
Polymorphism 11m 22s
Objects 02m 44s

Access Modifiers and Constructors

Access Modifier and Constructor 23m 33s


Destructors 03m 53s


Inheritance 16m 22s

Methods Parameters

Methods and methods parameters 17m 28s

Method Overloading and Overriding

Methods Overloading and methods overriding 11m 56s

Classes and Interface

Abstract Class and Interface Preview 21m 42s
Static Class Preview 07m 09s
Extension Method 08m 22s


Anonymous Type and Anonymous method 05m 15s
Object Type and Dynamic Type 07m 30s

Delegate, Lamda and Reflection

Delegates 07m 56s
Events 08m 42s
Lambda expiration and reflection 11m 17s

Collection and Async Programming

Collections 10m 30s
Generics 09m 44s
Collection Interfaces 02m 34s
Async Programming 14m 01s

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Self Paced course offered by ScholarHat?

Online Self Paced Courses are designed for self-directed training, allowing participants to begin at their convenience with structured training and review exercises to reinforce learning. You'll learn through videos, PPTs, and Assignments designed to enhance learning outcomes, all at times that are most convenient for you.

Q2. Who are your mentors?

All our mentors are highly qualified and experience professionals. All have at least 8-10 yrs of development experience in various technologies and are trained by Dot Net Tricks to deliver interactive training to the participants.

Q3. How would I get access to the Learning Content?

As soon as you enroll in the course, you will get access to the course content through LMS (The Learning Management System) in the form of a complete set of Videos, PPTs, PDFs, and Assignments. You can start learning right away.

Q4. How do I enroll for the course?

You can enroll in the course by doing payment. Payment can be made using any of the following options.

  1. Visa debit/credit card
  2. Net banking
  3. Through PayPal

Q5. Student discounts?

Yes, Dot Net Tricks provides student discount to learners who cannot afford the fee. Email us from your student account, or attach your student ID.

Q6. Can I share my course with someone else?

In short, no. Check our licensing that you agree to by using Dot Net Tricks LMS. We track this stuff, any abuse of copyright is taken seriously. Thanks for your understanding on this one.

Q7. How do I setup my team?

Please drop us an email with a list of user details like name, email you’d like to enroll and have access, we'll create your team accounts.

Q8. Do you provide technology version upgrade session free?

Yes, we do. As the technology upgrades your content gets updated at no cost.

Q9. Whom do I contact, if I have more queries?

You can give us a CALL at +91 113 303 4100 OR email us at

Q10. Do you offer certificates of completion?

We do. Once you've finished a course, reach out to us.

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