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.NET Microservices Course

Self Paced Course

60 Videos

Video Course

13 Notes

Quick Notes

6 Tests

Skill Tests

45 Videos

 Interview Q&A

.NET Microservices Course Overview

The .NET Microservices Course is a carefully crafted program aimed at equipping participants with the requisite knowledge and abilities to create applications based on microservices using .NET Core. This comprehensive training encompasses several vital aspects, including the implementation of microservices architecture with ASP.NET Core, harnessing Azure for API gateway functionality, effectively deploying microservices, and implementing robust security and authentication measures. During this course, you will gain proficiency in implementing various microservices patterns, including decomposition patterns, integration patterns utilizing the Ocelot API gateway, communication patterns with the aid of service bus technologies, and deployment patterns leveraging Azure AKS within the framework of our .NET Microservices Training.

Course objectives

Participants in this .Net Microservices training will have the following skills after completing this course:

  1. Understand Microservices Principles
  2. Implement Microservices Architecture using ASP.NET Core
  3. Integrate Swagger to document your APIs
  4. Decompose Existing N-Tier applications into Microservices
  5. Decompose a centralized database into a distributed database
  6. Implement Ocelot API Gateway
  7. Query Microservices using the CQRS pattern
  8. Implement Asynchronous Communication Using Azure Service Bus and RabbitMQ
  9. Implement Observability Patterns: Logging, Tracing and Monitoring
  10. Implement Cross Cutting Concern Patterns: Service Discovery, Circuit Breaker and Retry patterns

Included in this .NET Microservices Course

  •   Video Course 60 Videos
  •   Quick Notes 13 Notes
  •   Skill Tests 6 Tests
  •   Q&A 45 Videos

Course Introduction

Course Overview 01m 05s

Introduction to Microservices

Introduction to Microservices Preview 01m 36s
Microservices Principles 03m 15s
Monolithic vs. SOA vs. Microservices 01m 57s

Microservices Architecture

Microservices Architecture 01m 32s
When to use Microservices 02m 06s
Advantages of Microservices 01m 53s
Challenges of Microservices 02m 42s

Development Tools/Frameworks

Microservices Development Frameworks 00m 36s
Development Tools 01m 01s
API Management: API Gateways 01m 44s
Microservices API Gateways 01m 35s

Course Overview

Course Overview 02m 17s

Introduction to Microservices with .Net

Monolithic App to Microservices Preview 06m 47s
Microsevices API Getways For .NET 00m 57s
Need of API Gateway 04m 09s
Setting up Development Environment 01m 50s

Building a Simple Microservice

Building a Microservice 05m 33s
Creating Database For Microservice 12m 54s
Testing API Using Postman 02m 53s

Ocelot API Gateway

Introduction to Ocelot API Gateway 01m 33s
Integrating Ocelot API Gateway 11m 01s
Testing Microsevice Using Postman 04m 22s

Course Overview

Course Overview 00m 52s

Communication Patterns

Communication patterns 01m 52s
Sync and Async Communication pattern 02m 35s

Rabbit MQ

Rabbit MQ 03m 28s
Rabbit MQ Setup 01m 25s
Rabbit MQ Types of Exchange 04m 54s
Demo: Rabbit MQ Mass Transit 18m 41s

Mass Transit

Mass Transit 03m 42s
Mass Transit (Order Services) 02m 50s

Message Brokers

Message Brokers 00m 46s
Demo : Message Brokers 08m 21s

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 51s

Database Patterns

Database Patterns 03m 05s

CQRS Pattern

CQRS Pattern: Command 20m 48s
CQRS Pattern: Query 08m 05s

Saga Pattern

Saga Pattern 04m 50s
Demo: Saga Pattern Order Services 18m 28s
Demo: Saga Pattern With Mass Transit 11m 50s
Demo: Saga Pattern Workflow 24m 47s

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 32s

Cross Cutting Pattern

Cross Cutting Pattern Preview 00m 59s
Azure Key Vault 01m 57s
Demo: Azure Key Vault 09m 00s

Service Discovery

Service Discovery 02m 59s
Demo: Service Discovery 06m 19s

Circuit Breaker Pattern

Circuit Breaker Pattern 01m 37s
Demo : Circuit Breaker Pattern 12m 23s

Observability Pattern

Observability Pattern 02m 50s
Open Telemetry 00m 49s
Demo: Observability Pattern 12m 12s

Course Overview

Course Overview 00m 34s

Deployment Patterns

Deployment Patterns 03m 37s

Azure Kubernetes Services

Azure Kubernetes Services 01m 03s
AKS Deployment Using CLI 03m 08s
Demo: Accessing AKS Using CLI 20m 04s

Twelve Factors App

What is Twelve Factors App? 08m 41s
Benefits of Twelve Factors App 01m 36s
Quick Notes Notes (13)

Introduction to Microservices


Microservices Architecture


Microservices Development Tools/Frameworks


Introduction to Microservices with .Net


Building a Simple Microservice


Ocelot API Gateway


Microservices: Communication Patterns


Microservices: RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Message Brokers


Microservices: Database Patterns


Microservices: Cross-Cutting Concern


Microservices: Observability Patterns


Microservices: Deployment Patterns


Microservices: AKS & Twelve-Factors


Skill Tests Tests (6)

Introduction to Microservices Architecture

15 Questions

Building Microservices with ASP.NET Core

15 Questions

Microservices: Communication Patterns

15 Questions

Microservices Database Pattern

15 Questions

Microservices: Cross-Cutting Concern & Observability Patterns

15 Questions

Microservices: Deployment Patterns & AKS

15 Questions

Course Overview

Course Overview 00m 59s

Microservices Architecture And tools

Microservices Architecture And tools Preview 07m 21s


Microservices Q&A 15m 23s

Microservices design Pattern

Microservices design Pattern 13m 41s

Twelve-Factor app

Twelve-Factor app 08m 55s

Course Overview

Course Overview Preview 01m 42s

Microservices Technology Stack

Microservices Technology Stack 10m 43s

Building Microservices with ASP.Net Core and API Gateways

Building Microservices with ASP.Net Core 10m 08s
API Gateways 09m 32s

API Management & Ocelot API Gateway

API Management 04m 04s
Ocelot API Gateway 08m 06s


Swagger 11m 17s

Course Overview

Course Overview Preview 02m 23s

Decomposition Patterns

Decomposition Patterns 04m 16s
Decompose by Businss Capability 06m 37s
Decompose by Subdomain 04m 23s
Decompose by Strangler 04m 21s

Integration Patterns

Integration Patterns and API Gateway Pattern 04m 48s
Aggregator Pattern 06m 33s
Client-side UI Composition Pattern 06m 38s

Course Overview

Course Overview Preview 01m 20s

Communication Pattern

Communication Patterns 07m 56s

Synchronous and Asynchronous Patterns and Message Brokers

Synchronous and Asynchronous Patterns 06m 21s
Message Brokers 06m 29s

Rabbit MQ and Kafka

Rabbit MQ 11m 24s
Kafka 07m 57s

Azure Service Bus and Mass Transit

Azure Service Bus 05m 18s
Mass Transit 07m 33s

Course Overview

Course Overview Preview 00m 52s

Database Patterns

Database Patterns 14m 51s

Database Per Service Pattern and Shared Database Pattern

Database Per Services Pattern 09m 01s
Shared Database Pattern 08m 43s

CQRS Pattern and Saga Pattern

Command query Responsibility Segregation Pattern (CQRS) 13m 44s
Saga Pattern 13m 55s

Course Overview

Course Overview Preview 01m 03s

Cross Cutting Concern Patterns

Cross Cutting Concern Patterns 18m 20s

Externalize Configuration and Service Discovery

Externalize Configuration 12m 36s
Service Discovery 05m 57s

Circuit Breaker and Polly Library

Circuit Breaker 06m 01s
Polly Library 05m 36s

Course Overview

Course Overview 01m 18s

observability Pattern and Microservices Logging

Observability Patterns 19m 18s
Microservices Logging 12m 31s

Microservices Tracing and Microservices Monitoring

Microservices Tracing 09m 32s
Microservices Monitoring 08m 59s

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Self Paced course offered by ScholarHat?

Online Self Paced Courses are designed for self-directed training, allowing participants to begin at their convenience with structured training and review exercises to reinforce learning. You'll learn through videos, PPTs, and Assignments designed to enhance learning outcomes, all at times that are most convenient for you.

Q2. Who are your mentors?

All our mentors are highly qualified and experience professionals. All have at least 8-10 yrs of development experience in various technologies and are trained by Dot Net Tricks to deliver interactive training to the participants.

Q3. How would I get access to the Learning Content?

As soon as you enroll in the course, you will get access to the course content through LMS (The Learning Management System) in the form of a complete set of Videos, PPTs, PDFs, and Assignments. You can start learning right away.

Q4. How do I enroll for the course?

You can enroll in the course by doing payment. Payment can be made using any of the following options.

  1. Visa debit/credit card
  2. Net banking
  3. Through PayPal

Q5. Student discounts?

Yes, Dot Net Tricks provides student discount to learners who cannot afford the fee. Email us from your student account, or attach your student ID.

Q6. Can I share my course with someone else?

In short, no. Check our licensing that you agree to by using Dot Net Tricks LMS. We track this stuff, any abuse of copyright is taken seriously. Thanks for your understanding on this one.

Q7. How do I setup my team?

Please drop us an email with a list of user details like name, email you’d like to enroll and have access, we'll create your team accounts.

Q8. Do you provide technology version upgrade session free?

Yes, we do. As the technology upgrades your content gets updated at no cost.

Q9. Whom do I contact, if I have more queries?

You can give us a CALL at +91 113 303 4100 OR email us at

Q10. Do you offer certificates of completion?

We do. Once you've finished a course, reach out to us.

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