Design Patterns: Implementing Reporting Application with Bridge Pattern

Level : Advanced
Mentor: Shailendra Chauhan
Type : GuidedLab
Points : 10
Duration : 00:20:00

Lab Details

Problem Statement:

A lab to follow the Bridge Design Pattern while doing your code in C#.

  • Develop a reporting application using classes PDFReport, ExcelReport, EmailDelivery, and PrintDelivery to generate reports in PDF and Excel formats and deliver them via email and print.
  • Implement the Bridge pattern with the Report abstract class and IDeliveryMethod interface to separate report generation from delivery, ensuring flexibility and scalability.

Lab Objective:

Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:

  • Understand the bridge design pattern.
  • Create a flexible reporting application with detached report formats and delivery methods.
  • Improve code maintainability and scalability by separating abstraction from implementation.


You should install the following software on your machine:

  • VS Code or Visual Studio
  • .NET SDK
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