Understanding LINQ

Level : Intermediate
Mentor: Shailendra Chauhan
Duration : 00:01:00

LINQ the Application

Utilize LINQ to query and retrieve data from various sources within your ASP.NET Core application, enabling efficient data retrieval and manipulation.


var dbContext = new YourDbContext();
var highIncomeCustomers = dbContext.Customers.Where(c => c.Income > 75000);
foreach (var customer in highIncomeCustomers)
  Console.WriteLine($"{customer.Name} has a high income.");

LINQ Create the Data Set

Employ LINQ to construct and shape data sets by selecting, projecting, and transforming data elements to match your application's specific requirements.


var products = new List<Product>
  new Product { Id = 1, Name = "Laptop", Price = 1200 },
  new Product { Id = 2, Name = "Smartphone", Price = 800 },
  new Product { Id = 3, Name = "Tablet", Price = 600 }
var discountedProducts = products.Select(p => new { p.Name, DiscountedPrice = p.Price * 0.9 });
foreach (var product in discountedProducts)
  Console.WriteLine($"Product: {product.Name}, Discounted Price: ${product.DiscountedPrice}");

LINQ Manipulate the Order

Use LINQ to sort and reorder data, whether it's for presentation, data processing, or any other specific needs, enhancing the user experience.


var unsortedNumbers = new List<int> { 5, 1, 3, 2, 4 };
var sortedNumbers = unsortedNumbers.OrderBy(n => n);
Console.WriteLine("Sorted Numbers:");
foreach (var number in sortedNumbers)

LINQ Comparisons

Compare and filter data efficiently using LINQ, allowing you to extract information that matches certain criteria or patterns.


var employees = new List<Employee>
  new Employee { Id = 1, Name = "Alice", Department = "HR" },
  new Employee { Id = 2, Name = "Bob", Department = "IT" },
  new Employee { Id = 3, Name = "Charlie", Department = "Finance" }
var itEmployees = employees.Where(e => e.Department == "IT");
Console.WriteLine("IT Department Employees:");
foreach (var employee in itEmployees)
  Console.WriteLine($"Name: {employee.Name}");

LINQ Optimizations

Leverage LINQ to optimize data retrieval and processing, making your ASP.NET Core application more efficient and responsive.


var largeData = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000000);
var filteredData = largeData.Where(n => n % 2 == 0).Select(n => n * 2);
var resultSum = filteredData.Sum();
Console.WriteLine($"Sum of even numbers in the optimized data set: {resultSum}");
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