What is Sorting in Data Structures?
Sorting refers to the arrangement of data in a specific format. Sorting algorithms in data structures are methods for arranging data in a specific order, most commonly numerical or lexicographical order.
Bubble Sort is the most basic sorting algorithm, which operates by continually exchanging adjacent elements that are in the wrong order. This approach is unsuitable for huge data sets since its average and worst-case time complexity are relatively high.
This occurs when no sorting is necessary, implying that the array is already sorted. The best-case time complexity for bubble sort is O(n).
This arises when the array elements are jumbled and do not appropriately climb or descend. The average case time complexity for bubble sort is O(n2).
This occurs when array members must be sorted in reverse order. That is, assume you need to sort the array elements in ascending order but the elements are in descending order. The worst-case time complexity for bubble sort is O(n2).