RDBMS refers to Relational Database Management Systems. It is the most popular database. It stores data in the form of rows, which are tuples. It has several tables, and the data is easily accessible because it is stored in the table.
The document is essentially the heart of MongoDB. In simple terms, the document is an ordered collection of keys with related values. It is equivalent to table rows in relational database management systems. It always maintains a dynamic scheme and does not require any predefined structure or fields.
A collection is a grouping of documents. The collection mostly represents the table objects in RDBMS systems.
Collections in MongoDB have dynamic schemas by default. Dynamic Schemas refer to that the documents in a single collection may have multiple forms of structure or shapes.
MongoDB's hierarchical objects refer to its document-oriented structure, in which data is stored as flexible, JSON-style documents. These documents can include nested fields and arrays, allowing for the representation of complicated data structures in a single record.
Built-in databases are essential to MongoDB's operation and include:
Users can create custom databases in MongoDB as needed. These user-defined databases are established implicitly when data is placed into a non-existing database, or directly using commands like use <database_name>. Each user-defined database runs independently, allowing for data separation and isolation of concerns in the MongoDB environment.