To download MongoDB for Windows, visit MongoDB Inc. and select the current release.
To install MongoDB, double-click on the setup file. Follow the installation instructions.
After installation, set up MongoDB and use MongoDB Shell.
Configure the user's MongoDB path using the environment variable path.
In this variable value, simply append your MongoDB installation directory path with the bin folder using a semicolon (;), such as C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin. After that, click OK.
Open Command Prompt and navigate to your MongoDB installation's bin folder.
cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server 3.0\bin
Start the MongoDB server by typing mongod.exe. Your MongoDB server will launch as indicated below if the process is successful.
Open a new Command Prompt now, and type the Mongo command as follows: mongo If successful, your MongoDB shell will be started, as seen below.
To find out more about the MongoDB shell, run the help command.