Gulp in Node.js

Level : Advanced
Mentor: Shailendra Chauhan
Duration : 00:01:00

What is a Gulp?

Gulp is a task runner written in Node.js. It enables the automation of repetitive activities in web development workflows such as CSS and JavaScript minification, concatenation, and image optimization.

Installation of Gulp

Gulp can be installed globally or locally within a project. It is advised that you install it locally using npm to make managing dependencies easier. To install Gulp locally, run npm install gulp from your project directory.

Creating a Gulp file

A Gulpfile is a JavaScript file that defines tasks and their corresponding actions. Make a file called gulpfile.js in your project's root directory.

Gulp Plugins

Gulp plugins are Node.js modules that perform specific tasks in your Gulp workflow, such as file minification, compilation, or optimization.

Running Tasks

In Gulp, tasks are functions that do specified things, such as compile Sass or concatenate JavaScript files. These jobs are defined in your Gulpfile and can be run singly or sequentially.

Watchers in Gulp

Watchers in Gulp are utilities that monitor files for changes and execute matching tasks when they occur. They enable automated operations by constantly monitoring files and adjusting outputs as necessary.

Error Handling in Gulp

Error Handling in Gulp entails managing and responding to errors that arise during task execution. Gulp includes systems for detecting mistakes, reporting them, and taking relevant actions to avoid workflow interruptions.

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