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Azure Developer Certification (Az-204) Training | Azure Developer Associate Certification

Live Online Course

  4.7/5 Ratings     4.7/5Ratings

12 Sessions

  Live Classes

161 Videos

Video Course

30 Notes

Quick Notes

32 Labs

Hands-on Labs

1 Project(s)

Learn to implement

8 Tests

Skill Tests

87 Videos

 Interview Q&A

Azure Developer Certification Course Overview

Azure Developer Certification Training is a great way to learn the ins and outs of Azure development and earn a valuable certification. This learning path starts with the basics of cloud computing and then moves on to cover topics such as Azure storage, networking, and computing services. Azure Developer Training also covers how to develop Azure applications using different Azure services.

After completing Azure developer course, students will be able to take the Microsoft Developer Certification exam and earn their certification. In addition to the certification, azure developer associate Certification will also give you the skills and knowledge you need to become a successful Azure developer.

Enrol now and get started on your path to becoming a certified Azure developer!

Azure Developer Certification Course Objectives

Participants of this course will have the following skills after completing this course:

  1. Understand the Microsoft Azure Cloud platform
  2. Create, Configure and Scale Virtual Machines
  3. Create and Manage SQL database on Azure
  4. Create and Manage Cosmos DB, Azure Search and Redis Cache
  5. Create and Publish ASP.NET Web application on Web App
  6. Implement Serverless Architecture Using Azure Function
  7. Storage and Manage data using Azure Storage: Blobs, Files, Tables, Disks
  8. Implement Azure Messaging Services: Services Bus, Event Hub, Notification Hub
  9. Use Azure Active Directory to Implement Single SignOn
  10. Monitoring App on Azure

Outcomes of the Training

  1. Knowledge and skills to develop, deploy, and manage cloud solutions on Microsoft Azure.
  2. Implementing Serverless Architecture and Azure Messaging Services
  3. Develop real-time applications like ePizzaHub
  4. Chance to get into product-based companies.
  5. Opportunities to career paths in cloud development
  6. Staying updated with the latest developments in Azure development

Why Learn Azure Developer Associate?

  1. High Demand: As businesses increasingly migrate their applications and infrastructure to the cloud, there is a growing demand for skilled Azure developers.
  2. Career Opportunities: Azure developers are in demand across various sectors, including software development, IT consulting, finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more.
  3. Comprehensive Training: The Azure Developer Associate certification curriculum covers topics relevant to Azure development, including Azure services, cloud-native application development, Azure SDKs, APIs, and tools.
  4. Cloud Computing Trends: By learning Azure development, you position yourself at the forefront of cloud computing trends and technologies, ensuring your skills remain relevant in today's digital economy.
  5. Hands-on Learning Experience:  The process of preparing for the AZ-204 exam often involves working with Azure directly.

Why Learn Azure Developer Associate?

Azure Developer Certification Career Scope

  1. Cloud Application Developer: Cloud application developers specialize in building and deploying cloud-native applications that leverage Azure services and tools.
  2. Azure Developer: As a certified Azure developer, you can work in roles specifically focused on developing cloud applications and solutions using Microsoft Azure services.
  3. Solution Architect: Azure developers with strong architecture skills may pursue roles as solution architects, where they design end-to-end solutions that leverage Azure services to address business challenges and meet strategic objectives.
  4. Full-Stack Developer with Azure: With the Az-204 certification, you can take on roles that require proficiency in both web development technologies (such as JavaScript, Angular, React) and Azure services for backend development.
  5. Azure Security Engineer:  With a strong foundation in Azure from the AZ-204, you can specialize in securing cloud solutionsAzure Developer Certification Career Scope

Tools and Technologies Covered

Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine
Web App
Web App
Function App
Function App
Azure SQL
Azure SQL
Blob Storage
Blob Storage
Service Bus
Service Bus
Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor
Network Security
Network Security
Redis Cache
Redis Cache
Cosmos DB
Cosmos DB
Azure AD
Azure AD
Key Vault
Key Vault

Azure Developer Course Key Features

  • 6 Weeks of Intensive Live Training
  • Learn from Microsoft MVPs
  • Build a Food Delivery platform real-world Website
  • Career Coaching
  • Resume & Portfolio Building
  • Job Assistance

Azure Developer Course Eligibility


Everyone interested in taking this course should be familiar with ASP.NET Core development. Applicants who have experience with Microsoft Azure and professional development can pass the Azure Developer Certification with ease.

Who can Join?

Those who want to work as Azure Developers should take the Microsoft Azure Developer training course since it helps the development team maintain their competency.

Live Classes Schedule

Our learn-by-building-project method enables you to build practical/coding experience that sticks. 95% of our learners say they have confidence and remember more when they learn by building real world projects.
Azure Developer Certification Training Jun 29 SAT, SUN Sold Out
07:00AM to 09:00AM (IST)
Azure Developer Certification Training Jul 28 SAT, SUN
Filling Fast
10:00AM to 12:00PM (IST)

Can't find convenient schedule? Let us know

Included in this Azure Developer Certification Training

  •   Live Sessions12 Classes
  •   Video Course 161 Videos
  •   Quick Notes 30 Notes
  •   Labs 32 labs
  •   Projects1 Project(s)
  •   Skill Tests 8 Tests
  •   Q&A 87 Videos
Virtual Machines

Azure Virtual Machines 

  1. Virtualization
  2. Virtual Machine
  3. Azure Virtual Machine
  4. Azure Deployment Models
  5. Virtual Machines Series
  6. Virtual Machine Sizes

Configuring Azure Virtual Machines

  1. Virtual Machine Architecture
  2. Creating Windows VM
  3. Virtual Machine Extensions
  4. Windows VM Disk Layouts
  5. Network Security Group
  6. Web Deployment Setup
  7. Deploying Web Application

Scaling Virtual Machines

  1. Introduction to Availability sets
  2. Fault Domains and Update Domains
  3. Architecture for N-Tier Application
  4. Virtual machine scale sets
  5. Availability sets vs. scale sets
Azure Storage

Azure Storage 

  1. Introduction to Azure Storage
  2. Azure Storage Offerings - Blobs, Tables, Queues, Disks and Files
  3. Azure Storage Used by Microsoft
  4. Azure Storage Account Types
  5. Access Tiers
  6. Azure Storage Tools
  7. Redundancy
  8. Azure Storage Offerings in Details

Working with Azure Storage

  1. Azure Storage Blobs
  2. Azure Storage Files
  3. Azure Storage Tables
  4. Azure Storage Queues
  5. Azure Storage Access and Monitoring
Azure App Services

Cloud Computing 

  1. Introduction to Cloud Computing
  2. Cloud Computing Offerings
  3. Cloud Deployment Models
  4. Cloud vendors
  5. Public Cloud Adoption

Microsoft Azure Platform

  1. Introduction to Azure
  2. Microsoft Azure Platform History
  3. Support for Open Source
  4. Azure Momentum
  5. Azure Advantages
  6. Azure Management Portal
  7. Azure Deployment Models

Development Tools and SDKs

  1. Setting up VS 2017
  2. Installing Cloud Tools/SDKs

Azure App Services

  1. App Services
  2. Types of App Services
  3. App Services Tiers and Pricing
  4. App Services Scaling

Azure Web App

  1. Introduction to Azure Web App
  2. Web Apps Deployment
  3. Web Apps deployment slots
  4. Create and Deploy ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core and NodeJS web apps
  5. Setting Custom Domain

Azure API Apps

  1. Introduction to Azure API App
  2. Create and deploy API Apps
  3. Implement CORS

Azure Mobile Apps

  1. Introduction to Azure Mobile App
  2. Create and deploy Azure Mobile App
  3. Accessing Azure Mobile App using Postman

Logical Apps

  1. Introduction to logical App
  2. Creating a logic App using Twitter, One Drive and Outlook connectors
  3. Creating and consuming custom connector

Web Jobs and Azure Functions

  1. Introduction to Web Jobs
  2. Creating background tasks using Web Jobs
  3. Server-less Architecture
  4. Azure Services based on Server-less Architecture
  5. Introduction to Azure Function
  6. Azure Functions Pricing
  7. Function App – Http Trigger
  8. Function vs. Web Jobs

Azure App Services Comparative Study

  1. Comparing App Services
  2. Choosing App Services

    Microservices and Azure Service Fabric

    1. Microservices
    2. Microservices Principles
    3. Azure Service Fabric
    4. Azure Service Fabric History
    5. Azure Service Fabric used by Microsoft
    6. Azure Service Fabric Programming Models
    7. Azure Service Fabric Concepts
    8. Deployment
    Database Services

    Azure SQL Database Service 

    1. Introduction to Azure SQL Database
    2. Relational Data Services in the Cloud
    3. Azure SQL Database Service Tiers
    4. Database Throughput Units (DTU)
    5. Scalable performance and pools
    6. Creating and Managing SQL Databases
    7. Azure SQL Database Tools
    8. Migrating data to Azure SQL Database

    Azure Cosmos DB

    1. Introduction to Cosmos DB
    2. Comparison of Cosmos DB with Other DBs
    3. Customers using Azure Cosmos DB
    4. Azure Cosmos DB Emulator

    Document DB

    1. Introduction to Azure Document DB
    2. Azure Document DB Resources
    3. MongoDB API
    4. Gremlin API (Preview)
    5. Create databases and collections
    6. Query documents, run Document DB queries

    Azure Redis Cache

    1. Azure Redis Cache
    2. Why Cache?
    3. Azure Redis Cache Tiers
    4. Implement Redis caching

    Azure Search

    1. Introduction to Azure Search
    2. Integration with Azure SQL Database
    3. Implement Azure Search
    Quick Notes Notes (30)

    Cloud Computing And Microsoft Azure


    Microsoft Azure Platform


    Azure Global Infrastructure


    Azure Virtual Machine


    Virtual Machines Scaling


    Highly Available Virtual Machines


    Azure Storage


    Storage Services


    Understanding Azure SQL Database


    Single Database


    Accessing Azure SQL Database


    Single Database: vCore Model


    Azue SQL Business Continuity


    Database Migration


    Elastic Pool


    Managed Instance


    Understanding Azure Cosmos DB


    Cosmos DB Architecture


    CosmoseDB Database Account


    Document DB


    Scaling and Consistency


    SQL Queries, Sps and Functions


    Creating & Managing Azure Web App


    Building CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps and Web App




    Azure Functions


    Triggers and Bindings


    Developing Functions Using Azure Portal & Visual Studio


    Durable Function


    Understanding and Managing Azure Active Directory


    Hands-On Labs Labs(32)

    Creating a Windows Virtual Machine


    Estimate Workload Cost Using Pricing Calculator


    Working with Azure Service Bus


    Working with Blob Storage


    Deploying Angular/React Using VS Code on WebApp


    Creating an Azure SQL Database


    Creating a Cosmos DB Account - SQL API


    Create a Build Pipeline


    Working with Output Binding


    Working with Azure Durable Functions


    Build CI/CD Pipeline for Azure Web Apps


    Creating a Cosmos DB account - Table API


    Migrating SQL Database to Azure SQL


    Working with Azure API Management/ Policies


    Creating Azure Blob Storage using CLI


    Working with Azure Event Grid


    Creating a Resource Group and Using Tags


    Creating a Linux Virtual Machine


    Creating Azure Bastion Service


    Working with Azure Event Hubs


    Creating Storage Account Using ARM Templates


    Working on Application Insights


    Build CI/CD Pipeline for Azure Virtual Machine


    Configuring Pipelines as Code with YAML


    Configure an Azure Cache for Redis


    Creating an Azure CDN


    Understand Network Security Group rules


    Run Container Images in Azure Container Instances


    Explore Azure Monitor


    Build Pipeline for Angular using YAML


    Build Pipeline for React using YAML


    Setup and Configure Self-Hosted Agent for Azure DevOps Build/Release


    Real World Project: ePizzaHub

    Nowadays, an increasing number of people are choosing to order food online rather than cook at home. If you're thinking of starting a food delivery business, there are a few things you'll need to do to be successful. First, you'll need to choose the type of food you want to deliver.

    Build a website like Domino’s, Pizza Hut or McDonald's that enables customers to have a simple, seamless, and effective online food ordering and delivery experience!

    Project Scope

    Public Section

    1. Home Page
    2. About Us Page
    3. Contact Us Page


    1. Login Page
    2. SignUp Page
    3. Forgot Password Page
    4. SignOut Page


    1. Item Listing Page
    2. Add AddToCart Option

    Cart and Payment

    1. Cart Page
    2. Checkout Page
    3. Payment Page with payment gateway integration
    4. Payment Confirmation Page

    User Module

    1. Dashboard Page
    2. Order Listing Page
    3. Order Details Page
    4. Profile Page
    5. Change Password Page

    Admin Module

    1. Dashboard Page
    2. Movie Listing, Create and Edit Pages
    3. Movie Banner Page
    4. Subscription Page
    5. User Listing Page
    6. Profile Page
    7. Change Password Page

    Technologies to be Used

    1. ASP.NET Core and EF Core
    2. Azure SQL Server
    3. Azure VM/Web App
    4. Storage Account
    5. Azure Functions
    6. Azure AD
    7. Key Vault
    8. Service Bus
    9. Azure Monitor and Insight

    Architecture and Practices to be Used

    1. Clean Architecture
    2. Repository Pattern, Dependency Injection
    3. Authentication and Authorization
    4. Build Mobile Friendly UI
    5. Bundling and Minification
    6. Cache
    7. Errors Logging
    8. Deploy Code

    Intended Audience

    1. Freshers/Beginners
    2. Software Developers
    3. Tech Leads
    4. Solution Architects

    Outcome of the Project

    Create what was only once thought impossible. Project development allows you to bring your learning into reality to solve real-world problems. It will give you an invaluable edge in a competitive job market, allowing you to confidently showcase your real-world problem-solving abilities to potential employers to get hired.

    Skill Tests Tests (8)

    Azure Dev: Cloud Computing and Azure

    10 Questions

    Azure Dev: Virtual Machines and Tools

    10 Questions

    Azure Dev : Storage Services

    10 Questions

    Azure Dev : Database Services

    10 Questions

    Azure Dev : App Services

    10 Questions

    Azure Dev: Messaging Services

    10 Questions

    Azure Dev: Security Services

    10 Questions

    Azure Dev: Monitor and Optimize

    10 Questions

    Course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 00m 46s

    Introduction to Cloud Computing

    Introduction to Cloud Computing 0h 20m 19s

    Cloud Vendors and Providers

    Cloud Vendors and Providers 0h 03m 36s
    Cloud Deployment Models 0h 11m 44s

    Course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 01m 15s

    Introduction to Microsoft Azure

    Introduction to Microsoft Azure 0h 12m 31s

    Azure Infra and Services

    Az Global Infra & services 0h 12m 20s
    Az Resource Groups and Tags 0h 16m 20s
    Managing Resources 0h 05m 47s

    Case Study

    Case Study 0h 03m 20s

    Course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 01m 00s

    Azure VM and architecture

    Microsoft azure Virtual Machine 0h 14m 09s
    Azure Virtual Machine Architecture 0h 07m 46s

    Availability Set and Azure Load Balancer

    Availability Set 0h 11m 28s
    Azure Load Balancer 0h 12m 33s

    Virtual Machine Scaling and Custom Domain and Disk

    Virtual Machine Scaling 0h 08m 59s
    Custom Domain and Disks 0h 04m 42s

    Course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 01m 36s

    Microsoft Azure Storage and Azure Storage Account

    Microsoft Az Storage 0h 14m 44s
    Microsoft AZ Storage Account 0h 06m 15s

    Azure Blob Storage and Comparing Storage Services

    Blob Storage 0h 10m 01s
    Comparing Storage Services 0h 17m 41s

    Redundancy and Replication Options and case Studies

    Redundancy and Replication Options 0h 06m 48s
    Case Studies 0h 03m 53s

    Course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 01m 02s

    Azure SQL Database

    Azure SQL Database 1 0h 08m 12s
    Azure SQL Database 2 0h 09m 44s

    Single Database and Compute Tiers

    Single Database 0h 10m 32s
    Compute tiers 0h 04m 57s

    Database Tools and Database Scaling

    Database Tools and Database Scaling 0h 02m 52s

    Elastic Pool and Managed Instance and Azure SQL Reserved capacity

    Elastic Pool and Managed Instance 0h 07m 33s
    Azure SQL Reserved Capacity 0h 07m 45s

    Course Overview

    course Overview Preview 0h 01m 12s

    Azure App Services

    Azure App Services 0h 08m 41s
    Advantages and Limitations 0h 08m 44s

    App Deployment and Scaling

    Web App 0h 06m 21s
    App Services Scaling 0h 15m 15s

    Various App Services

    Static Web App 0h 01m 53s
    Logic App 0h 04m 26s
    Azure Function 0h 03m 46s
    Azure App API 0h 02m 20s

    Course Overview

    Course overview Preview 0h 01m 05s

    Introduction to Serverless Computing

    Introduction to Serverless Computing 0h 07m 43s

    Azure Functions

    Functional Programming 0h 02m 32s
    Azure Functions 0h 07m 49s
    Azure Functions 1 0h 08m 13s

    Azure Function Triggers and Bindings

    Azure Function Use Cases and Plans 0h 11m 38s
    Azure Function Triggers and Bindings 0h 05m 43s

    Durable functions and Cron Function

    Durable functions and Cron Function 0h 05m 18s

    Course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 01m 24s

    Azure API management

    Azure API management 0h 18m 45s

    Az APIM Subscription &Product and API Managment Policies

    Az APIM Subscription &Product 0h 05m 06s
    API Managment Policies 0h 05m 49s

    Az APIM Scaling and Monitoring

    Az APIM Scaling and Monitoring 0h 03m 38s

    Case Study and Logic Apps

    Case Study and Logic Apps 0h 08m 09s

    Logic Apps Workflow

    Logic Apps Workflow 0h 07m 56s

    Course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 01m 31s

    Introduction to Cosmos DB

    Introduction to Cosmos DB 0h 11m 44s

    APIs for Cosmos DB

    APIs for Cosmos DB 1 0h 07m 23s
    APIs for Cosmos DB 2 0h 07m 49s

    Cosmos DB Data Engine and Cosmos DB Partitioning

    Cosmos DB Data Engine 0h 05m 27s
    Cosmos DB partitioning 0h 09m 01s

    Cosmos DB Consistency and Database Scaling

    Cosmos DB Consistency Levels 0h 07m 31s
    Cosmos DB Scaling 0h 05m 15s

    NoSQL API Queries

    No SQL API Queries 0h 03m 18s

    course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 00m 40s

    Azure Messaging Services

    Azure Messaging Services 0h 09m 21s

    Tightly Coupled vs. Loosely Coupled

    Tightly Coupled Vs Loosely Coupled 0h 02m 55s

    service Bus

    Service Bus 0h 09m 40s

    Event Grid and Event Hub

    Event Grid 0h 06m 03s
    Event Grid vs. Event Hubs vs. Service Bus 0h 01m 52s
    Event Hubs 0h 05m 36s

    Course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 00m 58s

    Microsoft Entra ID (azure AD)

    Microsoft Entra ID (azure AD) 0h 09m 13s

    Microsoft Entra ID Features, MASL and ADAL

    Microsoft Entra ID Features 0h 10m 22s
    MSAL and ADAL 0h 06m 48s

    Authentication Using Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft Graph

    Authentication Using Microsoft Entra ID 0h 08m 03s
    Microsoft Graph 0h 05m 56s

    Azure Key Vault and Case Study

    Azure Key Vault 0h 04m 34s
    Case Study 0h 00m 55s

    course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 00m 48s

    Azure monitor

    Azure Monitor 0h 06m 53s

    Application Insights

    Application Insights 0h 05m 45s

    Azure CDN and Redis Cache

    Azure CDN 0h 09m 41s
    Redis Cache 0h 07m 27s

    Azure front Door and Case Study

    Azure Front Door 0h 07m 51s
    Case Study 0h 01m 29s
    Book a FREE Live Demo!

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    12 months unlimited access to the course.
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    ₹23,282 ₹15,999
    12 months unlimited access to the course.
    For Business
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    *Only for corporate

    Azure Developer Associate Certification

    Q1. What do I need to do to unlock ScholarHat's Azure Developer Training certificate?

    Q2. Is Azure Developer a good career option?

    Q3. How can beginners learn Azure?

    Q4. What are the different job roles available after Azure Developer Associate Certification?

    Our Azure Developer Associate certification course is designed to develop and evaluate candidates' skills and knowledge. Upon completion of this certification, you will have access to a wide range of job opportunities. Some of the most important job roles include Azure developer, .NET Cloud developer, .NET tech lead, .NET consultant, .NET software engineer, and others.

    Q5. How will I do hands-on during this Azure Developer Certification Training?

    In this Azure Developer Certification Training, you will learn by doing practice using our hands-on labs. These hands-on labs you need to complete using the Azure Portal by following our guided labs' step-by-step approach. If you encounter any doubts or issues, our support team will promptly assist you during your learning journey.

    Our Students Reviews

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. What tools do I need for the Azure training sessions?

    Tools/SDK/IDE like Azure Portal, Azure SDK, Azure CLI, and VS Code, are required for the Azure certification program.

    Q2. What if I miss a session in the Azure training?

    All the online training classes in this Microsoft Azure Training get recorded. You will get the recorded sessions to watch missed classes whenever required. Also, you can join other classes to do your missing classes.

    Q3. Is the Azure Certification worth it?

    Yes definitely. Today, cloud computing is in high demand, and Azure is a leading cloud platform. It will lead to the diversification of your skillset and career advancement opportunities.

    Q4. Does ScholarHat offer job assistance?

    Yes, we do. We will discuss all possible technical interview questions and answers during the Azure training program so that you can prepare yourselves for the interview.

    Q5. How many 1:1 technical sessions am I allowed during a month?

    There are 12 1:1 technical sessions in the Azure certification program.

    Q6. What will you find out on this exam?

    Your technical knowledge of creating solutions for Azure computing and storage, implementing Azure security, monitoring, debugging, and optimizing Azure solutions, as well as connecting to and utilizing third-party services, will be evaluated by this test. This test is open to cloud developers who participate in all phases of development, including requirements definition & design, programming, deployment, and maintenance. They should work together with cloud DBAs, cloud administrators, and clients to implement solutions. Candidates must be familiar with Azure SDKs, data connections, storage possibilities, APIs, app authentication, compute and container deployment, debugging, performance optimization, and monitoring. Candidates must be familiar with Microsoft Azure and have between one and two years of professional development experience.

    Q7. Which professionals should sit for the Az-204 exam to earn their Azure Developer Certification?

    For the Azure Certification for Developer (AZ-204 certification), the following individuals are expected:

    1. Software Developers
    2. Solutions architects
    3. Programmers building SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS applications
    4. Networks Administrators
    5. System administrators
    6. Those wishing to upgrade their skills to include cloud technologies

    Q8. Who should take up this Microsoft Azure Developer Certification training course?

    Microsoft Azure Developer Certification training is ideal for developers aiming to build, deploy, and maintain cloud solutions on Azure. Enhance skills for scalable and efficient application development.

    Q9. What are the Roles offered by Companies for Azure Professionals?

    Companies offer roles like Azure Administrator, Azure Developer, Cloud Architect, DevOps Engineer, and Solutions Architect to Azure professionals. Responsibilities include managing, developing, and optimizing cloud solutions.

    Q10. What is the future scope of Microsoft Azure Developer Training?

    The future scope of Microsoft Azure Developer Training is promising, as cloud adoption grows. Trained professionals will be in demand for developing scalable, secure, and innovative cloud solutions.

    Q11. What are the career progression and opportunities after learning Azure?

    After learning Azure, career progression opportunities include roles like Azure Administrator, Developer, Solutions Architect, or DevOps Engineer. Advancements in cloud technologies ensure continued demand for skilled Azure professionals.

    Q12. What are the prerequisites for taking up this best Azure online training?

    Prerequisites for the best Azure Developer training include a basic understanding of cloud concepts, proficiency in a programming language like C#, and familiarity with Azure services and tools.

    Q13. Why should you take up this Azure Online training?

    Enrol in Azure Online Certification training for expert-led instruction, hands-on projects, industry-relevant content, and certification preparation. Acquire skills for developing and deploying scalable cloud solutions with Microsoft Azure.

    Q1. Can I Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment?

    Yes, you can Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment in angular certification course. It gives you the opportunity to assess whether the training program aligns with your learning objectives. So, don't hesitate! Take advantage of this opportunity and attend a demo session before making your decision.

    Q2. Can I request for a support session if I need to better understand the topics?

    Yes, of course you can request for a support session if you need to better understand the topics. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

    Q3. Do you offer certificate of completion?

    Yes. The certificate is valid and can be used for interviews. Additionally, the student can register for the .Net Certification exam after completion of this course.

    Q4. Who are your mentors?

    All our mentors are highly qualified and experience professionals. All have at least 8-10 yrs of development experience in various technologies and are trained by Dot Net Tricks to deliver interactive training to the participants.

    Q5. What If I miss my online training class?

    All online training classes are recorded. You will get the recorded sessions so that you can watch the online classes when you want. Also, you can join other class to do your missing classes.

    Q6. Can I share my course with someone else?

    In short, no. Check our licensing that you agree to by using Dot Net Tricks LMS. We track this stuff, any abuse of copyright is taken seriously. Thanks for your understanding on this one.

    Q7. Do you provide any course material or live session videos?

    Yes we do. You will get access to the entire content including class videos, mockups, and assignments through LMS.

    Q8. Do you provide training on latest technology version?

    Yes we do. As the technology upgrades we do update our content and provide your training on latest version of that technology.

    Q9. Do you prepare me for the job interview?

    Yes, we do. We will discuss all possible technical interview questions and answers during the training program so that you can prepare yourself for interview.

    Q10. Will I get placement assistance after receiving my course completion certificate?

    Yes, you’ll get placement assistance after receiving your course completion certificate. The placement assistance provided by the US will guide you through the job search process, help you polish your resume, and connect you with potential employers. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

    Still have some questions? Let's discuss.
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