Why Should You Learn Angular?

Why Should You Learn Angular?

29 May 2024
9 min read
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Angular is a JavaScript-based framework that is used to create web applications, desktop, and mobile applications, which is completely written in Typescript. It is a full-fledged framework, i.e., it takes care of many aspects of front–end web applications such as HTTP requests, routing, layout, forms, reactivity, validation, etc.

Read More: What is Angular?

Who uses the Angular framework?

We may ask ourselves this question if it is very demanding then who uses such a framework and where do they apply? Well, for the last few years, most of the tech companies started moving their enterprise applications into Angular, and still, it has evolved like never before. There are plenty of websites and applications that use Angular and a few of them are listed below.

  • Google

  • Github community forum

  • Forbes

  • BMW

  • Nasdaq

  • PayPal

And the list is not yet over because we cannot count it over here, thus different banks, community portals, governmental portals, bidding websites, and others are using Angular as the primary platform which includes higher interactivity with the user daily.

Read More: Who should learn Angular?

Why should you learn Angular?

It’s been a decade since Angular was invented, and so far many developers around the globe have learned Angular. Today if any newbies want to learn, they may have questions like, Why should I learn Angular, what are the future benefits, etc. Considering the market, Angular is very demanding in terms of skill because most of the organizations moved their project into Angular and they are considering their product to become enterprise shortly.

If we look closely at the market sentiments, Angular is one of the sought-after skills, and if the candidate has this skill then recruiters and IT firms are looking in demand for those candidates. Angular is a known full-fledged framework for single-page applications (SPA). Earning an Angular Certification can significantly elevate a candidate's profile, making them more appealing to recruiters and increasing opportunities within the IT industry.

There are some points to be considered that reply to why anyone needs to learn Angular.

1. Framework

Angular is a framework which means it’s a full-fledge Model View Controller-based structure that enables developer flexibility during application development. Being a framework, the customer always wants their enterprise application to be developed based on the framework, so angular is most suitable for the complex business requirements.

Angular has its advantage as it comes with the framework as a whole which is power-packed with features such as component-based architecture, web services, unit-test, mobile support, forms, routing, support of Material design, etc, hence, it is the primary choice to create significant enterprise application.

2. Productivity

Angular is completely written in TypeScript which follows object-oriented programming concepts like classes, objects, enums, and so on. Thus it will be pretty easy to learn TypeScript by a developer and the tooling support makes it very robust compared to other frameworks and libraries.

In another way, as a full-fledged framework, we have additional advantages such as pre-configured forms, routing configuration on the go, Angular Universal, Angular elements, and many more features. Hence, one can have a better architecture that comes with a certain feature so that we don't need to be dependent on external libraries to achieve such functionalities.

3. In-built Routing Support

Nowadays, most of the application gets divided into smaller chunks to represent the separate functionalities, and for that, we need to redirect the user to the different links throughout the application. Being a framework, Angular has a routing mechanism that allows us to load the necessary chunks of application at that time and show the part of the application that the user wants to explore.

Using an in-built routing mechanism, we can distribute separate components to the different routing links and load them based on the user’s action thus we can protect any routing links against any kind of misuse with the help of a route guard.

Read More: Routing in Angular

4. Support of Single-Page application

The era of single-page applications has started and people don’t have time to wait for any page to be loaded. Angular is the best fit for single-page apps and enterprise apps which renders the elements dynamically and efficiently perform a specific operation. Being the client-side rendering, Angular is powerful because everything that takes for rendering is done from the client-side only so it may reduce the iterative network calls and speed up the overall application performance.

There are other frameworks and libraries in the market such as React, and Vue.js but Angular is among the suitable choices over its competitors as it serves the purpose of Single-page applications.

Read More: React vs. Angular: Which Career Option is More Promising in 2024?

5. Cross-platform development

Apart from web development, angular also supports cross-platform application development which can be run on different devices like web, mobile, and desktop. It runs on every platform which is the biggest advantage because we don’t need to develop a separate application for the separate platform again and again. To develop a mobile application we can use Ionic which is also a demanding skill.

Angular supports cross-platform app development using the framework called Ionic which is powered by the web and is used to create mobile-optimized UI and related components, and other tools to build powerful cross-platform apps in no time.

6. Documentation

If anyone wants to learn angular from scratch, we can always start with angular.io official documentation. The official documentation contains the different sections for the different concepts sequentially so that the fresher can get the complete package for their learning experience without any hassle. Exploring dedicated Angular training can complement this learning journey, offering guided instruction and practical insights to reinforce understanding and mastery of Angular concepts.

7. Learning Curve

As discussed above, Angular has its crisp documentation which enhances the learning experience while following code standards making it easier to learn it within a short period and get the development started for the upcoming gigs.

Compared to other frameworks, Angular is a primary choice to learn as its market acceptance is vast, hence the developers are adopting Angular. It requires a complete understanding of HTML, CSS, and of course basics of JavaScript.

8. Career opportunities

This is the era of Single Page Applications (SPA) and Angular is contributing way better than others so the growth of career opportunities is on a great level. There is marvelous career growth if you are a trained Angular Developer.

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9. Community support

If you went through the official documentation but still facing any kind of issues or want suggestions, the community members are always ready to give you a hand. The angular community is bigger and it’s growing, and more and more people are engaging in learning in the form of conferences, meetups, classes, podcasts, blogs, articles, forums, etc. So we can expect help from one of the ways and can continue our learning journey.

Read More: Angular Interview Questions and Answers


Angular is getting popular amongst the developers and the ScholarHat team is putting all their efforts into making it a more comfortable yet powerful product. In this article, we have compared the different aspect that shows the key areas that focus on the question of why we need to learn Angular. I hope you got familiar with those points and let yourself dig into Angular. Let’s wrap up this guide and hope you will have a great learning journey of Angular.

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About Author
Manav Pandya (Technical Author and Front-end Engineer)

Manav is Blogger, Technical Author, Freelancer, and working as a front-end engineer since last 2 year with the different technologies like Angular 2+, Node.js, React, ExpressJs, In a free time he likes to learn and contribute technical content to the community to share and spread the knowledge.
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