SepWhat is Comments in Python - Types, How to Write, Uses
Comments in Python: An Overview
Are you ready to embark on a comprehensive Python Tutorial to master the basics of Python commenting and make your code easier to read? If so, you're in luck! In this Python Certification Training article, we'll take an in-depth look at commenting functions in Python, python comments, Comments in Python, Writing Comments in Python, and Multiline Comments in Python, and provide tips on making sure that your comment style is clear and concise.
What are Comments in Python?
The lines of code in Python that the interpreter ignores while the program is running are called comments. A comment is a line of text within a program that is not executed. Python code can be explained with comments. The code can be made easier to read by adding comments.
Types of Comments in Python
There are three types of comments in the Python programming language, those are:
- Single-line Comments
- Multiple line comments in Python
- Docstring Comments
1. Single line Comment in Python
- A single-line comment in Python begins with the hashtag (#) and continues to the end of the line.
- If the comment is multiple lines, place a hashtag on the next line and continue with the Python Comments.
- Single-line comments in Python have proven beneficial for providing quick explanations for Variables in Python, Function Declarations in Python, and expressions.
Example of Single Line Comment in Python
# This is a single line comment in python
print ("Hello, World!")
This Python code in the Python Compiler outputs "Hello, World!" to the console and contains a single-line comment denoted by the "#" symbol, which is used to add explanations or comments to the code but is disregarded when the code is executed.
Hello, World!
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2. Multiple line Comments in Python
Multiline comments are not supported in Python. However, there are other methods for writing multiline comments.
Using multiple hashtags (#) in multiline comments
In Python, we can construct multiline comments by using several hashtags (#). Every single line will be regarded as a separate comment.Using Python's string literals
- Python String literals, which can be used with triple quotes, either ''' or """, are another method for implementing this.
- For multi-line strings, these triple quotes are typically utilized. However, we can use it as a comment if we don't assign it to any variables or functions.
- If a string is not allocated to any Python Function or Python Variable, the Python interpreter ignores it.
Example of Multiple Line Comment in Python
This is a multiline
print ("Hello, World!")
This Python code in the Python Editor includes a multiline comment encased in triple single quotes and acts as an explanation or documentation block while simultaneously being ignored during execution. The message "Hello, World!" is then printed to the console.
Hello, World!
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3. Docstring in Python
- Docstrings are a built-in feature of Python that allows you to remark on modules, methods, functions, objects, and classes.
- Three quotes (''' or """) are used to write them in the first line following the definition of a module in Python, function, method, etc.
- The interpreter will not recognize it as a docstring if you do not use it in the first line.
- Additionally, you can use the __doc__ attribute to retrieve docstrings.
Example of Docstring in Python
def greet(name):
"""Greets the specified person."""
print(f"Hello, {name}!")
The greet function in this code has a single parameter, name. Using f-strings, the greet function prints a customized greeting on the terminal.
Hello, Ram!
How to Write Good Comments in Python?
- Make sure they are concise.
- Avoid making generic comments; only include them if they provide more context.
- Write comments that, rather than focusing on specifics, highlight the general goal of a function or method.
- Excellent comments are self-explanatory.
- Avoid making repeated comments.
Use of Python Comment
Make the code simpler to comprehend:
- Coding comments will make it simpler to refer to in the future.
- Additionally, the code will be simpler for other developers to grasp.
Using Comments to Help with Debugging:
- Instead of eliminating the line of code that results in the error if we encounter one when executing the program, we can remark it.
Advantages of Using Comments in Python
Python comments offer several advantages. Their main advantages are:
- Readability of Code
- An explanation of the project's code or metadata
- Stop the code from running
- Incorporating resources
Python comments are very important. They help to explain what is going on in a program and can be used to prevent errors from happening. When you use comments, it is important to keep them up to date so that they accurately reflect the code. If you prefer a structured learning approach, you may also consider Python certification, which provides comprehensive guidance and resources to help you master the language.