Operators in Python

Operators in Python

08 Apr 2024
23 min read
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Operators in Python: An Overview

Operators in Python Programming are the fundamental concepts that are important to know. These operators are needed to perform various operations in Python such as arithmetic calculations, logical evaluations, bitwise manipulations, etc. In this Python Tutorial, you will get to know about various Types of operators in Python with Example. If you are new to python and want to learn it from scratch, our Python Certification Training will help you with that.

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Types of operators in Python

python operators

In Python Programming, Operators are those symbols that are used to carry out certain operations on operands. These operations could be arithmetic, logical or bitwise. There are some of the basic operators used in Python that you should definitely know that are as follows:

Arithmetic Operators

The Arithmetic Operators are used to perform certain mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction. Use these operators on numeric operands. Following are the basic arithmetic operators used in Python:

Addition (+)Used for adding two operands.a + b
Subtraction (-)Used for subtracting the second operand from the first.a - b
Multiplication (*)Used for multiplying two operands.a * b
Division (/)Used for dividing first operand by the second. It will always return a floating point number.a / b
Floor Division (//)Used for dividing first operand by the second. It returns a rounded off integer as the answer.a // b
Modulus (%)It also divides first operand by the second and returns the remainder of the division.a % b
Exponentiation (**)Used for raising the first operand to the power of the second.a ** b

Note:Python follows PEMDAS as the standard order of operations where Parentheses, Exponentiation, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction is performed in sequence.

Example of Arithmetic Operators in Python

# Arithmetic Operators Example

# Addition
a = 5
b = 4
sum_result = a + b
print("Addition:", sum_result)

# Subtraction
difference = a - b
print("Subtraction:", difference)

# Multiplication
product = a * b
print("Multiplication:", product)

# Division
quotient = a / b
print("Division:", quotient)

# Floor Division
floor_division = a // b
print("Floor Division:", floor_division)

# Modulus
remainder = a % b
print("Modulus:", remainder)

# Exponentiation
exponent = a ** b
print("Exponentiation:", exponent)


Here, we have defined variables 'a' & 'b' with values 5 and 4 respectively. Then, we have performed different arithmetic function with these variables and printed the results as below output.


Addition: 9
Subtraction: 1
Multiplication: 20
Division: 1.25
Floor Division: 1
Modulus: 1
Exponentiation: 625

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Comparison Operators

The Comparison Operators are used for decision making by comparing two operands with certain specified values to it. Based on the result of the comparison, it will return either 'True' or 'False'. Following are the basic comparison operators used in Python:
Equal to (==)Used for checking if the two operands are equal.a == b
Not equal to (!=)Used for checking if two operands are not equal.a != b
Greater than (>)Used for checking if the left operand is greater than the right operand.a > b
Less than (<)Used for checking if the left operand is less than the right operand.a < b
Greater than or equal to (>=)Used for checking if the left operand is either greater than or equal to the right operand.a >= b
Less than or equal to (<=)Used for checking if the left operand is either less than or equal to the right operand.a <= b

Example of Comparison Operators in Python

# Comparison Operators Example

# Variables
a = 5
b = 2

# Equal to (==)
print("Equal to:", a == b)

# Not equal to (!=)
print("Not equal to:", a != b)

# Greater than (>)
print("Greater than:", a > b)

# Less than (<)
print("Less than:", a < b)

# Greater than or equal to (>=)
print("Greater than or equal to:", a >= b)

# Less than or equal to (<=)
print("Less than or equal to:", a <= b)


Here, we have defined variables 'a' & 'b' with values '5' & '2' respectively. Then, we have used different types of comparison operators to compare the two values on different perspectives and printed the result as below output.


Equal to: False
Not equal to: True
Greater than: True
Less than: False
Greater than or equal to: True
Less than or equal to: False

Logical Operators

The Logical Operators are used for performing logical operations in python. Use them on boolean values. Following are the basic logical operators used in Python:
Logical AND (and)It will return 'True' if both the operands are true. a and b
Logical OR (or)It will return 'True' if at least one of the operands is true.a or b
Logical NOT (not)It will return the exact opposite of the boolean value of the operand.not a

Example of Logical Operators in Python

# Logical Operators Example

# Variables
a = True
b = False

# Logical AND (and)
result_and = a and b
print("Logical AND:", result_and)

# Logical OR (or)
result_or = a or b
print("Logical OR:", result_or)

# Logical NOT (not)
result_not_a = not a
result_not_b = not b
print("Logical NOT for a:", result_not_a)
print("Logical NOT for b:", result_not_b)


Here, we have defined variables 'a' & 'b' with boolean values 'True' & 'False' respectively. Then, we have performed different logical operations on them and printed the result as below output.


Logical AND: False
Logical OR: True
Logical NOT for a: False
Logical NOT for b: True

Bitwise Operators

The Bitwise Operators are used for performing bitwise operations in python to manipulate binary data and flags. Use them on integer values at the binary level. Following are the basic bitwise operators used in Python:
Bitwise AND (&)Used for setting each bit to 1, if both bits are 1.a & b
Bitwise OR (|)Used for setting each bit to 1, if at least on of the bits is 1.a | b
Bitwise XOR (^)Used for setting each bit to 1, if only one of the bits is 1.a ^ b
Bitwise NOT (~)Used for inverting all the bits.a ~ b
Left Shift (<<)It will shift the bits of first operand to the left by the same number of positions as specified by the second operand.a << b
Right Shift (>>)It will shift the bits of first operand to the right by the same number of positions as specified by second operand.a >> b

Example of Bitwise Operators in Python

# Bitwise Operators Example

# Variables
a = 5   # Binary: 0101
b = 3   # Binary: 0011

# Bitwise AND (&)
result_and = a & b
print("Bitwise AND:", result_and)

# Bitwise OR (|)
result_or = a | b
print("Bitwise OR:", result_or)

# Bitwise XOR (^)
result_xor = a ^ b
print("Bitwise XOR:", result_xor)

# Bitwise NOT (~)
result_not_a = ~a
result_not_b = ~b
print("Bitwise NOT for a:", result_not_a)
print("Bitwise NOT for b:", result_not_b)

# Left Shift (<<)
result_left_shift_a = a << 1
print("Left Shift for a:", result_left_shift_a)

# Right Shift (>>)
result_right_shift_b = b >> 1
print("Right Shift for b:", result_right_shift_b)


Here, we have defined variables 'a' & 'b' with values '5' & '3' respectively. Then, we have performed some bitwise operations on them using bitwise operators and printed the result as below output.


Bitwise AND: 1
Bitwise OR: 7
Bitwise XOR: 6
Bitwise NOT for a: -6
Bitwise NOT for b: -4
Left Shift for a: 10
Right Shift for b: 1

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Assignment Operators

The Assignment Operators are used for assigning certain values to variables. Use them when you want to modify the value of variables by performing operations on them and assigning the result to that variable. Following are the basic assignment operators used in Python:
Assignment (=)Used for assigning value of the right operand to the left operand.a = b
Addition Assignment (+=)Used for adding the value of the right operand with the left operand and assigning the result value to the left operand.a += b; a = a + b
Subtraction Assignment (-=)Used for subtracting the value of the right operand from the left operand and assigning the result value to the left operand.a -= b; a = a - b
Multiplication Assignment (*=)Used for multiplying the value of left operand by the value of right operand and assigning the result value to the left operand.a *= b; a = a * b
Division Assignment (/=)Used for dividing the value of left operand by the value of right operand and assigning the result value to the left operand.a /= b; a = a / b
Modulus Assignment (%=)Used for computing modulus of the left operand with the right operand and assigning the result value to the left operand.a %= b; a = a % b
Floor Division Assignment (//=)Used for performing floor division of the left operand by the right operand and assigning the result value to the left operand.a //= b; a = a // b
Exponentiation Assignment (**=)Used for raising the power of the right operand to the left operand and assigning the result value to the left operand.a **= b; a = a ** b

Example of Assignment Operators in Python

# Assignment Operators Example

# Variables
a = 10
b = 5

# Assignment (=)
a = 10
print("Assignment (=):", a)

# Addition Assignment (+=)
a += 3
print("Addition Assignment (+=):", a)

# Subtraction Assignment (-=)
a -= 2
print("Subtraction Assignment (-=):", a)

# Multiplication Assignment (*=)
a *= 4
print("Multiplication Assignment (*=):", a)

# Division Assignment (/=)
a /= 2
print("Division Assignment (/=):", a)

# Modulus Assignment (%=)
a %= 3
print("Modulus Assignment (%=):", a)

# Floor Division Assignment (//=)
a //= 2
print("Floor Division Assignment (//=):", a)

# Exponentiation Assignment (**=)
a **= 2
print("Exponentiation Assignment (**=):", a)

# Assignment (=) with variable b
b = a
print("Assignment (=) with variable b:", b)


Here, we have defined variables 'a' & 'b' with certain initial values as '10' & '5' respectively. Then, we have performed assignment operations on them and printed the result as the below output.


Assignment (=): 10
Addition Assignment (+=): 13
Subtraction Assignment (-=): 11
Multiplication Assignment (*=): 44
Division Assignment (/=): 22.0
Modulus Assignment (%=): 1.0
Floor Division Assignment (//=): 0.0
Exponentiation Assignment (**=): 0.0
Assignment (=) with variable b: 0.0

Identity Operators

The Identity Operators are used for checking if the two operands are referring to the same object in the memory or not. They basically compare the identity of the objects. Following are the basic Identity Operators used in Python:
Identity (is)It will return 'True', only if both operands are referring to the same object.a is b
Not identity (is not)It will return 'True', only if both operands are not referring to the same object.a is not b

Example of Identity Operators in Python

# Identity Operators Example

# Variables
a = 4
b = 5

# Identity (is)
print("Identity (is):")
print("a is b:", a is b)  # False
print("a is not b:", a is not b)  # True

# Update variable b to reference the same object as a
b = a

# Check identity after update
print("\nAfter updating variable b:")
print("a is b:", a is b)  # True
print("a is not b:", a is not b)  # False


Here, we have defined variables 'a' & 'b' with values '4' & '5' respectively. Then, we have used identity operators on them and printed the result as the below output.


Identity (is):
a is b: False
a is not b: True

After updating variable b:
a is b: True
a is not b: False

Membership Operators

The Membership Operators are used for checking if a value is present in a sequence or not. The sequence could be a string, list, tuple or dictionary. Following are the basic Membership Operators used in Python:
InIt will return 'True', if the specified value is present in the sequence.a in sequence
Not InIt will return 'True', if the specified value is not present in the sequence.a not in sequence

Example of Membership Operators in Python

# Membership Operators Example

# List
numbers = [1, 2, 3]

# In operator
print(2 in numbers)   # True

# Not in operator
print(4 not in numbers)   # True

# String
string = "Hello"

# In operator with string
print('e' in string)   # True

# Not in operator with string
print('z' not in string)   # True


Here, we have defined a list as 'numbers' and also a string as 'string'. Then, we have used both membership operators on them and printed them as the below output.



Best Practices

Just knowing and understanding the usage of operators is not enough. You should also know how apply it into best practice for better and accurate results.

Guidelines for using operators effectively

  • You must use parentheses to write more readable and clearer expressions.
  • Python allows for chaining operators but using it in excess will only make the code more complex and difficult to read so avoid it as much as you can.
  • Use names for variables that clearly describe the purpose of the operands.
  • Pay extra attention while using Membership and Identity operators.
  • Use Bitwise operators only when necessary as they can be a little complicated to use.
  • Test your code thoroughly to check if all the operators are working correctly or not.

Tips for writing clean and efficient code

  • It is always advisable to sticking to the coding standards and style guidelines like PEF 8 (Python), Google's Python Style Guide.
  • Make variable names as descriptive and meaningful as possible.
  • Maintain the conciseness of your functions so that it is easy to read, test and debug.
  • Avoid repetition of the code.
  • Write comments explaining the logic wherever needed clearly and concisely.
Through this article, you learnt about various operators used in python, their syntax and usage. You also learnt how can put these operators into best practices by keeping in mind all the necessary guidelines. Keep all of this mind when you use them in your own Python Program to make it accurate and error free. To learn more about different concepts related to Python, consider enrolling in our Python Certification Course to get your hands on the best guide to Python.


Q1. What is Python and its operators?

Python is a high level  programming language which comparatively simpler and readable. Operators in Python are certain symbols that are used in the python code to perform various operations on different values and variables.

Q2. What are the different types of operators in Python?

There are many different types of operators in Python such as arithmetic operators, comparison operators, logical operators, bitwise operators, assignment operators, identity operators and membership operators.

Q3. How do arithmetic operators work in Python?

Arithmetic operators in python perform different kinds of mathematical calculations on the values that are numeric following a set of precedence rules.

Q4. What are comparison operators used for in Python?

Comparison operators in python are used for comparing two values as operands and return a boolean value as 'True' or 'False' based on the result of comparison.

Q5. How are logical operators used in Python?

Logical operators such as 'and', 'or' and 'not' are used for performing logical operations on boolean values.
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About Author
Sakshi Dhameja (Author and Mentor)

She is passionate about different technologies like JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, Node.js etc. and likes to share knowledge with the developer community. She holds strong learning skills in keeping herself updated with the changing technologies in her area as well as other technologies like Core Java, Python and Cloud.

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