Searching, Paging, and Sorting using ASP.NET Core WebAPI

Level : Intermediate
Mentor: Shailendra Chauhan
Type : GuidedLab
Points : 10
Duration : 01:15:00

Lab Details


In this lab, you will be learning how to implement Listing, Paging, Sorting, and Searching in your ASP.NET Core Web API applications. By the end of the lab, you'll have the skills to use Web API to populate Listing Data with Sorting, Paging, and Searching values to use them in the application.

Lab Objective

Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:

  • Create a List of Product Items.
  • Create an API End Point that will return a list of all products.
  • Now add, searching functionality in the API part
  • Now, add paging and sorting functionality in the API part


You should be familiar with ASP.NET Core and WEB API.

Lab Requirements

  • Create an ASP.Net Core Web API application
  • Create the Repository Layer related to DAL Operations.
  • Create an API End Point for returning a List of Products.
  • Add Searching functionality in the Product List API
  • Add Sorting functionality in the Product List API
  • Add Paging Functionality in the Product List API
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