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ASP.NET Core Training in Delhi | Best ASP.NET Core Training in Delhi

Live Online Course

  4.7/5 Ratings     4.7/5Ratings

12 Sessions

  Live Classes

194 Videos

Video Course

28 Notes

Quick Notes

27 Labs

Hands-on Labs

1 Project(s)

Learn to implement

10 Tests

Skill Tests

30 Videos

 Interview Q&A

ASP.NET Core Course Overview

ASP.NET Core is the pick of many developers for developing web apps that are modular with a lean architecture. ScholarHat’s ASP.NET Core Certification Training explores Razor Pages, Blazor, MVC architecture, building high performance modular pipelines, RESTful APIs and cloud-ready configuration systems.

You will learn to build scalable web applications, edit Razor pages, and build hands-on experience. ASP.NET Core helps work on page-focused coding use cases and improve code testability for your app. Our experts will walk you through an industry-relevant curriculum structure, deploy and build a comprehensive understanding of the ASP.NET framework. You will work on practical projects to build UI, integrate web APIs and grasp the basics of building a modular web development project.

ASP.NET Core Certification Training Objectives

After this course, attendees will be able to:

  1. Understand .NET Core architecture and Advantages
  2. Build and run cross-platform ASP.NET apps on Windows, Mac and Linux
  3. Understand ASP.NET Core middleware
  4. Configure ASP.NET Core MVC
  5. Use Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core
  6. Work with Entity Framework Core
  7. Handle Errors in ASP.NET Core
  8. Create REST Service using Web API
  9. Implement MVC, Repository and Dependency Injection patterns
  10. Publish their Apps to IIS or the Cloud.

Why Learn .NET Core in 2024?

ASP.NET Core offers a variety of advantages for modular web app development and tools that enhance testability and simplify development.

But, why should you learn ASP.NET Core in 2024?

#1. Light and modular apps

    It has a modular infrastructure, which means developers can build light, secure and better performing apps.

#2. Faster

    It is much faster that Node.js, Java Servlet and other contemporaries in the web development space.

#3. Higher Pay

    With Microsoft’s iterative improvements in the .NET ecosystem make it a skill in high demand with high salary ranges from early roles.

#4. Extensive Community Support

    There’s nothing developer’s love more than a community to discuss creative builds; .NET Core offers exactly that.

#5. Scalable, Shorter Code

    Dependency injection support, improved testability, and other features make apps more scalable and the code shorter, easier to debug and compile.

Why Learn ASP.NET Core in 2024?

.NET Core Career Scope in 2024

Microsoft is actively modernizing .NET Core with useful features that have quickly become popular. Leading companies like IBM, Deloitte and Cisco are banking of .NET developers with the knowledge of modern modular web app development.

Salaries ranging from 4 Lakhs to 22 Lakhs per annum can be bagged by .NET Core developers depending on their skills and project-types. Needless to stay, it’s up-to-date approach and modular features make it a sought after field that is only going to rise more in the months to come!

ASP.NET Core Career Scope in 2024

Asp.Net Core Tools and Technologies Covered

.NET Core
.NET Core
EF Core
EF Core
SQL Server
SQL Server
Visual Studio
Visual Studio

ASP.NET Core Course Key Features

  • 6 Weeks of Intensive Live Training
  • Learn from Microsoft MVPs
  • Build a Food Delivery real-world Website
  • Career Coaching
  • Resume & Portfolio Building
  • Job Assistance

ASP.NET Core Training Eligibility


If you have worked with C#, SQL Server and know the basics of HTML/CSS, you can join the ASP.NET Core Certification Training.

Who can Join?

.NET beginners, professionals seeking to be experts or developers who want to build advanced, lightweight, cloud-based web applications - this course is recommended for all.

Live Classes Schedule

Our learn-by-building-project method enables you to build practical/coding experience that sticks. 95% of our learners say they have confidence and remember more when they learn by building real world projects.
ASP.NET Core Certification Training Oct 05 SAT, SUN Sold Out
08:30PM to 10:30PM (IST)
ASP.NET Core Certification Training Oct 26 SAT, SUN
Filling Fast
09:30AM to 11:30AM (IST)

Can't find convenient schedule? Let us know

Included in this ASP.NET Core Certification Training

  •   Live Sessions12 Classes
  •   Video Course 194 Videos
  •   Quick Notes 28 Notes
  •   Labs 27 labs
  •   Projects1 Project(s)
  •   Skill Tests 10 Tests
  •   Q&A 30 Videos

.NET Core

  1. Understanding .NET Core
  2. .NET Core Features
  3. .NET Core Framework Architecture
  4. .NET Core 1.0 vs. .NET 4.5
  5. .NET Core Supports
  6. Advantages of .NET Core
  7. .NET App Model


  1. Introduction to DNX, DNVM, DNU
  2. Introduction to .NET CLI
  3. .NET CLI Commands

Introduction to ASP.NET Core

  1. Understanding ASP.NET Core
  2. ASP.NET Core Features
  3. ASP.NET Core 1.0 vs. ASP.NET MVC5 vs. ASP.NET WebForms
  4. Advantages of ASP.NET Core

Visual Studio Project Templates

  1. Understanding Visual Studio ASP.NET Core Templates
  2. Creating an ASP.NET Core project
  3. Understanding ASP.NET Core project folder structure
  4. Understanding configuration files

Model, View, Controller & Actions

  1. Understanding Model, View and Controller
  2. Types of Views
  3. Creating Controller
  4. Understanding Actions
  5. Actions and Non-Actions Methods
  6. Understanding Action Results
  7. Communication between Controller and View

Razor View Engine

  1. Understanding Razor View Engine
  2. Razor View Engine vs. Web Form Engine
  3. Razor Syntax
  4. Razor Statements, Loops etc.

Routes & URLs

  1. Introduction to Routing
  2. Defining Routes
  3. Attribute Routing
  4. Need of attributes routing


  1. Understanding Html Helpers
  2. Types of Html Helpers
  3. Built-In Html Helpers
  4. Tag Helpers
  5. Inline Helpers
  6. Custom Helpers
  7. Url helpers

Server-side Data Receiving Ways

  1. Action Parameters
  2. View Models/Objects
  3. FormCollection

Reusable UI Components

  1. Partial View
  2. View Components

ViewModel & Form Validations

  1. Creating ViewModel
  2. Understanding ASP.NET Core MVC Validation
  3. Need of Server Side and Client Side Validation
  4. Validation with Data Annotation

Custom Validation

  1. Custom client side Validation
  2. Custom Server side validation

Data Passing Techniques

  1. ViewData
  2. ViewBag
  3. TempData
  4. Session
  5. Query String
  6. Cookies
Entity Framework Core

EF Core

  1. What is ORM
  2. ORMs used with .NET
  3. EF6 vs. EF Core
  4. Advantages of Entity Framework

Database Modeling

  1. Defining Mapping using Data Annotation
  2. Implementing CRUD Operations
  3. Defining Mapping using Fluent API

Database Migrations

  1. Entity Framework Code First Migrations
  2. Updating Database when the Model Changes
  3. Rollback Db changes
  4. Migrations best practices
  5. Script Migration

Database First Approach

  1. Understanding Db First Approach
  2. Reverse Engineering Approach
  3. Db First using EF Core Power Tool
  4. Updating Code using EF Core Power Tool

DB Procedures and Functions

  1. Creating and Sps and Functions
  2. Calling Stored Procedures
  3. Calling Db functions


  1. Introduction to SOA
  2. Introduction to REST
  3. REST Principles
  4. Understanding ASP.NET Web API
  5. Choosing between WCF and WebAPI

ASP.NET Core Web API Controller & Actions

  1. Understanding Controller & Actions
  2. Creating Controller
  3. Creating Actions

Database Operations and Postman

  1. CRUD Operations using Web API
  2. Using Postman for testing Web API
  3. Consuming Web API using ASP.NET Core

Advanced Web API

  1. Implementing Content Negotiation
  2. Parameters binding
  3. Web API Versioning
  4. Securing WebAPI
Architecture and Design Patterns

Project Architecture

  1. Understanding Need of Project Architecture
  2. Project Architecture Overview
  3. Clean Architecture
  4. Layer Architecture

Design Patterns: Repository and Unit of Work

  1. Understanding Repository and UOW Design Pattern
  2. Need of Repository Design Pattern
  3. Need to Unit of Work Design Pattern
  4. Implementing Repository and UOF Design Pattern

Dependency Injection

  1. Understanding Dependency Injection
  2. Need of Dependency Injection
  3. Implementing DI

ASP.NET Core Best Practices

  1. Implementing Bundling and Minifcations
  2. Compress Response Size
  3. Error Logging
  4. Implementing Caching
Quick Notes Notes (28)

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core 5


.Net CLI




ASP.NET Core: Layouts, Sections and ViewStart


Introduction to ASP.Net 6


Razor View Engine


Routing in ASP.Net Core


Helpers in ASP.Net Core MVC


Data Pasing Techniques in ASP .Net Core


ASP.NET Core Forms


Model Binding and Forms Post


Forms Validation


Understanding LINQ




LINQ Query


LINQ Query Operations


Query Result Types


Working with Data Using Entity Framework Core


ADO.NET with ASP .NET Core In Connected Environment


ADO.NET with ASP .NET Core In Disconnected Environment


ASP.NET Core Middleware


ASP.NET Core Pipeline and Filters


ASP.NET Core - Dependency Injection


ASP.NET Core Environments


Exceptions Handling and Logging in ASP .Net Core


JQuery Selectors and Events


HTML Manipulation and Traversing


JQuery Advanced Concepts


Hands-On Labs Labs(27)

Creating A Webpage with Razor View


Creating View Component and Partial View


Configuring Routing and Navigation


Creating Custom Helpers


Passing Data Using ViewBag, TempData and Session


Creating User Registration Form with Validations


CRUD Operations using EF Core Code First Approach


Working with AutoMapper


Working with Stored Procedures in EF Core


Image Operations: Upload, Update and Delete


Creating A Cascading Dropdown List


Database Operations Using ADO.NET and ASP.NET Core


Searching, Paging, and Sorting using ASP.NET Core WebAPI


Creating a Listing, Paging, Sorting, and Searching in ASP.NET Core


Database Operations Using Dapper and ASP.NET Core


Creating a Custom Middleware


OAuth: Google And Facebook Authentication


jQuery: Change the background color of an element on the button click


jQuery: Create a form that appends input values and adds a red border in jquery


jQuery: Create a Registration Form and apply validations using Jquery


jQuery: Create the Dialog Box


jQuery: Create a Menu using Jquery Selectors


jQuery: Create a slideshow that automatically cycles through the images every 3 seconds


jQuery: Handle the response from an AJAX request using jquery


jQuery: Make a basic AJAX request using Jquery


jQuery: Use Jquery Form Validation Plugin


jQuery: Create a Datepicker using Jquery UI


Real World Project: ePizzaHub

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are choosing to order food online rather than cook at home. If you're thinking of starting a food delivery business, there are a few things you'll need to do to be successful. First, you'll need to choose the type of food you want to deliver.

Build a website like Domino’s, Pizza Hut or McDonald's that enables customers to have a simple, seamless, and effective online food ordering and delivery experience!

Project Scope

Public Section

  1. Home Page
  2. About Us Page
  3. Contact Us Page


  1. Login Page
  2. SignUp Page
  3. Forgot Password Page
  4. SignOut Page


  1. Item Listing Page
  2. Add AddToCart Option

Cart and Payment

  1. Cart Page
  2. Checkout Page
  3. Payment Page with payment gateway integration
  4. Payment Confirmation Page

User Module

  1. Dashboard Page
  2. Order Listing Page
  3. Order Details Page
  4. Profile Page
  5. Change Password Page

Admin Module

  1. Dashboard Page
  2. Movie Listing, Create and Edit Pages
  3. Movie Banner Page
  4. Subscription Page
  5. User Listing Page
  6. Profile Page
  7. Change Password Page

Technologies to be Used

  1. C# 11
  2. NET Core 7
  3. EF Core 7
  4. SQL Server
  5. Bootstrap 5
  6. jQuery

Architecture and Practices to be Used

  1. Clean Architecture
  2. Repository Pattern, Dependency Injection
  3. Authentication and Authorization
  4. Build Mobile Friendly UI
  5. Bundling and Minification
  6. Cache
  7. Errors Logging
  8. Deploy Code to IIS

Intended Audience

  1. .NET Beginners
  2. .NET Developers
  3. .NET Tech Leads
  4. .NET Solution Architects

Outcome of the Project

Create what was only once thought impossible. Project development allows you to bring your learning into reality to solve real-world problems. It will give you an invaluable edge in a competitive job market, allowing you to confidently showcase your real-world problem-solving abilities to potential employers to get hired.

Skill Tests Tests (10)

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core 5

15 Questions

Introduction to ASP.NET Core

15 Questions

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core 6

15 Questions


10 Questions

ASP.NET Core Forms & Validation

15 Questions

LINQ Fundamentals

15 Questions

Working with Data using Entity Framework Core

15 Questions

ADO.NET with ASP.NET Core in Connected Environment

15 Questions

ADO.NET with ASP.NET Core in Disconnected Environment

15 Questions

ASP.NET Core Unit Testing

15 Questions

Course Overview

Course Overview 00m 38s

MVC Pattern

MVC Pattern Preview 11m 15s

Introduction to Asp.NET Core

Introduction to core 11m 09s

Model and Views

Model and Views 04m 37s

Controller and Action

Controller and Action 04m 49s

View Engine and Razor

View Engine and Razor 02m 26s


Routing 13m 36s

Course Overview

Overview Preview 00m 39s


Helpers 16m 06s

Data Passing Techniques

ViewData, ViewBag and TempData 08m 38s
Cookies and Query String 09m 05s

Forms and Model Binding

Forms 08m 16s


Validations 08m 34s

Course Overview

Course Overview 00m 50s

LINQ Introduction

Linq Introduction Preview 08m 25s

LINQ Query Tools

LINQ Query Tools 03m 12s

LINQ Query

LINQ Query 11m 43s

LINQ Operators

LINQ Operators 11m 04s

LINQ Joins

LINQ Joins 08m 46s

Introduction to Asp.Net core Q&A

Introduction to Core Preview 00m 40s

Areas and scaffolding

Areas and scaffolding 04m 14s

caching , Building and Minification

caching , Building and Minification 14m 41s

Inversion of control and Dependency

Inversion of control and Dependency 05m 28s

Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection 14m 45s

Introduction to core

Introduction to core 00m 52s

Middleware and Pipeline

Middleware and Pipeline 25m 27s


Filters 06m 53s

Security: Authentication/Authorization

Security: Authentication/Authorization 10m 39s


Deployment 03m 59s

Best Practices

Best Practices 07m 32s
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ASP.NET Core Certification

Q1. What do I need to do to unlock ScholarHat's .NET Core Training certificate?

Q2. Is ASP.NET Core Developer a good career option?

Q3. How can beginners learn ASP.NET Core?

Q4. What are the different job roles available after ASP.NET Core Certification?

Our ASP.NET Core certification course is designed to develop and evaluate candidates' skills and knowledge. Upon completion of this certification, you will have access to a wide range of job opportunities. Some of the most important job roles include ASP.NET Core developer, .NET Core web developer, .NET Core tech lead, .NET consultant, .NET software engineer, and others.

Q5. How will I do hands-on during this ASP.NET Core Certification Training?

In this ASP.NET Core Certification Training, you will learn by doing practice using our hands-on labs. These hands-on labs you need to complete using the code editor Visual Studio by following our guided labs' step-by-step approach. If you encounter any doubts or issues, our support team will promptly assist you during your learning journey.

Our Students Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why should you go for this ScholarHat ASP.NET Core Project Development Training?

The below reasons highlight why one must go for the ASP.NET core project development training from Dotnettricks: Offers Unlimited Live Training 1.) Provides training on ASP.NET Core 6 from scratch 2.) Teaches entity framework core and ASP.NET Web API 3.) Implementation of Design Patterns like DI, Repository, etc. 4.) Lets you learn to build and review a resume 5.) You will learn from the Microsoft MVPs and know how to build a project 6.) Includes practical examples in all sessions 7.) Every module is followed by quizzes and mockup tests

Q2. Who Should take up these ASP.NET Core Courses?

1.) Testers and web developers (front end and back end) 2.) Anybody willing to learn ASP NET MVC Core right from basics to advance 3.) Anybody willing to learn the recent changes with the latest Microsoft framework 4.) Anybody interested in learning the way to design large scale projects 5.) Freshers who have started a career in web development 6.) Any of these target audiences can take up the ASP.NET core course to write an application that can design, edit, and view the data from a database.

Q3. Why take an online ASP.NET Core course? How is it better than an offline course?

There are enough study materials available when you opt for the online ASP.NET courses. The facility of live training makes sure all your doubts get cleared instantly. So, you can begin fresh with the next module without any doubts. In offline courses, there is no live contact with the instructors and tutors. On the other hand, the online ASP.NET courses provide thorough guidance with face-to-face facility for learning from the experts in this field. Depending on your skill sets and budget, you can choose the level of training you want. In this way, you will be saved from spending unnecessary money.

Q4. Does ScholarHat offer job assistance?

Yes, if you take a .NET Core Certification from ScholarHat, it would offer job assistance in terms of interview training and guidance, preparation for technical rounds, etc.

Q5. What are the job opportunities after ASP.NET core online training?

After .NET core certification, you will become eligible to join various IT/Software companies on the job profiles of Web Developer, Software Developer, Software engineer, IT consultant, Cloud Developer, etc.

Q6. What kind of projects are included in this .NET Core course?

One of the projects in the .NET Core online training is to build a website named “ePizzaHub” that allows customers to order pizza and get its delivery uninterruptedly.

Q7. How to start learning ASP.NET Core online?

To start learning ASP.NET core online, you need to begin with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. For Asp.Net development, you can either choose C#(.Net) or VB(.Net) as a programming language. It is recommended to first learn all the basics of C and C++ to have a good grip from a programming viewpoint. One of the best ways to start learning and progress is to follow the .net core tutorial. This tutorial covers all fundamentals of ASP.NET Core along with advanced concepts.

Q8. How many 1:1 technical sessions am I allowed during a month?

You will have 12 1:1 technical sessions in this ASP.Net core online training course.

Q9. How long does it take to learn .NET core?

It takes approximately 2-3 months to learn the basics of .NET core. To become a well-versed .NET developer, you need to devote 1-2 years. It takes 5 years or more to become an expert .NET developer, depending on your skills. The related courses to learn .NET core also emphasize on asp net interview questions and answers pdf. It helps you to effectively crack the interviews in the future. When you choose a suitable .NET training course and dedicate 2-3 hours daily, it is possible to learn all aspects of .NET core in less than 2 months.

Q10. Why ASP.Net Core is in high demand?

As more companies utilize this technology for their operations and products, the demand for .Net developers will increase. Because of its continuous expansion over time, ASP.Net Core is now extensively used by programmers and software developers. Also, it is used by a lot of corporations and governments around the world. It is now much simpler for developers to take advantage of the most recent developments in the software industry thanks to the .NET Core, which has been a major success. A cross-platform, open-source framework known as .NET enables developers to create apps more rapidly and with fewer resources.

Q11. Which certification is best for a .NET developer?

To become a .NET developer, you need to earn a relevant certification that demonstrates your skills. Here is the list of best certifications for a .NET developer: 1. i-Net+ Certification 2. Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 3. Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) 4. Java Server Pages (JSP) 5. Certified Software Development Professional (CSDPArg2+) Any of the above certifications increase your chances of getting relevant jobs. You can join .NET course from Dotnettricks. Dotnettricks lets you join unlimited live training, gain access to DotNetTricks Pro Membership, and also prepares you for Interviews.

Q12. Should I Learn ASP.NET MVC5 before learning ASP.NET Core?

ASP.NET MVC5 and ASP.NET Core are both web application frameworks developed by Microsoft, but they have some fundamental differences in terms of architecture, features, and capabilities. ASP.NET MVC5 is based on the full .NET Framework, while ASP.NET Core is based on .NET Core. Therefore, learning ASP.NET MVC5 is not required before learning ASP.NET Core, but it could be helpful in some cases. However, if you are new to web development, you can start with ASP.NET Core directly to build cross-platform web applications.

Q13. What is the difference between ASP.NET MVC5 and ASP.NET Core?

ASP.NET Core is a more modern and advanced web application framework that offers several advantages over ASP.NET MVC5, such as cross-platform support, better performance, and improved modularity. However, if you have existing applications built with ASP.NET MVC5, you can still maintain and update them and gradually migrate to ASP.NET Core to get ASP.NET Core performance and cross-platform benefits.

Q1. Can I Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment?

Yes, you can Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment in angular certification course. It gives you the opportunity to assess whether the training program aligns with your learning objectives. So, don't hesitate! Take advantage of this opportunity and attend a demo session before making your decision.

Q2. Can I request for a support session if I need to better understand the topics?

Yes, of course you can request for a support session if you need to better understand the topics. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

Q3. Do you offer certificate of completion?

Yes. The certificate is valid and can be used for interviews. Additionally, the student can register for the .Net Certification exam after completion of this course.

Q4. Who are your mentors?

All our mentors are highly qualified and experience professionals. All have at least 8-10 yrs of development experience in various technologies and are trained by Dot Net Tricks to deliver interactive training to the participants.

Q5. What If I miss my online training class?

All online training classes are recorded. You will get the recorded sessions so that you can watch the online classes when you want. Also, you can join other class to do your missing classes.

Q6. Can I share my course with someone else?

In short, no. Check our licensing that you agree to by using Dot Net Tricks LMS. We track this stuff, any abuse of copyright is taken seriously. Thanks for your understanding on this one.

Q7. Do you provide any course material or live session videos?

Yes we do. You will get access to the entire content including class videos, mockups, and assignments through LMS.

Q8. Do you provide training on latest technology version?

Yes we do. As the technology upgrades we do update our content and provide your training on latest version of that technology.

Q9. Do you prepare me for the job interview?

Yes, we do. We will discuss all possible technical interview questions and answers during the training program so that you can prepare yourself for interview.

Q10. Will I get placement assistance after receiving my course completion certificate?

Yes, you’ll get placement assistance after receiving your course completion certificate. The placement assistance provided by the US will guide you through the job search process, help you polish your resume, and connect you with potential employers. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

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